Secondary School

Secondary Parent-Teacher Interviews

Please remember that Parent-teacher interviews are being held after the holidays, on Wednesday 26th April. The booking portal is open for students in Years 7-11. 

SEQTA Firewall update

The IT department, along with Mrs Catt would like to provide you with an update on the issues faced by students and staff regarding uploading and downloading items from our LMS SEQTA. 


We have worked with our firewall provider and have recently completed test runs by staff and students onsite and offsite to ensure the issue has been rectified. We are confident that the issue previously experienced by our secondary community has been resolved and we are confident that students and staff are able to download and upload to SEQTA when offsite. 


Should you experience any new issues, we request that you email

Visual Arts

Year 11 Visual Art Still Life Studies focussed on fruit/vegetables, using water-colour, and or Gouache or Vanitas Project on canvas where a composition is arranged to communicate a Memento Mori using objects that have symbolic meaning. In the workshop/studies students have opportunity to explore media, and apply colour-theory, and to annotate exploratory processes in their VAPD.PA


Mrs Quill's Year 8 art students have been learning how to layer colour to create depth and a three dimensional effect when drawing objects.


In Term 1 Year 7 English, Miss Douglas and Ms Hildebrand's classes have been looking at a variety of text types- narrative, persuasive and poetry. They have been spending the weeks after camp looking at how to write, annotate and understand meaning in poetry. The students have looked at many different types of poetry such as free verse poetry, blackout poetry, haiku, limerick and acrostic poetry.


Next term they will be reading and understanding the play 'Honeyspot' by Jack Davis. All students are expected to read and bring this play (novel) to every class next term.