Religion and Parish News
Palm Sunday and Holy Week Prayer
All-powerful, eternal God,
You have chosen to give mankind a model of humility;
our Saviour took on our flesh, and subjected Himself to the Cross.
Grant us the grace to preserve faithfully the lessons
He has given us in his Passion
and to have a share in His resurrection.
This we ask of You through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.
Lent - Project Compassion
Last week, Infants classes held a Zooper Dooper stall, helping to raise over $300 to add to our 2023 Lenten Appeal for Project Compassion. The week before, Stage 3 hosted a Bake Sale, selling numerous plates of delectable goodies prepared by many Stage 3 families. It was one of the most successful fundraising events we’ve ever hosted, raising a whopping $1100!
Project Compassion Mission Boxes
Since we’re coming to the end of Lent, Mission Boxes that you’ve been adding to at home can be returned to school next week (Week 11) so we can pass them on to Caritas. Mission Boxes can be sent to school with your eldest child and handed into their class’ note tray (which are taken to the Office each morning). We thank you for your generous almsgiving this Lent.
Family Mass & BBQ - Saturday 18th March
On Saturday 18th March, St Xavier’s hosted a Family Mass and BBQ sausage sizzle at St Joseph’s Church. It was a wonderful celebration, led by Fr Abmar, and it was great to see so many St Xavier’s families there! Thank you to the St Xavier’s staff who provided yummy desserts, the men who worked tirelessly behind the BBQ during Mass - Chris, Adam, Matt and Aaron, as well as Bec and Katie for volunteering to do a reading, and Sean and Eugenie for taking up the gifts at the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Week 11 Holy Week Reflections
Each class has been busy preparing a reflection for families and parishioners to come and view in Week 11 as part of our Whole School Holy Week daily reflection. The plan is as follows:
- Monday 3rd April - Years 2 & 5 will be presenting a reflection on the events of Palm Sunday. This will take place at 12:30pm on the Area 1 grassed space.
- Tuesday 4th April - Year 1 will lead a reflection centred on The Last Supper when Jesus gave us the Eucharist. This reflection will be at the St Xavier’s Hall starting at 12:30pm.
- Wednesday 5th April - Kindergarten will be re-enacting the Washing of the Feet in the Hall at 12:30pm.
- Thursday 6th April - Years 3, 4 and 6 will take the school through the Stations of the Cross. This reflection will be at the slightly earlier time of 12:20pm in the St Xavier’s Hall.
As these presentations are designed to be quiet and reflective in nature, please ensure you arrive earlier than the posted start times so you can find a seat and be settled for the start of the reflection you’re attending. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration.
2023 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Dates:
Confirmation - 9am, Sunday 4th June, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church
First Eucharist - 8:30am, Sunday 20th August, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church
First Reconciliation - 6pm, Tuesday 19th September, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church
Parish News
Altar Server Roster for April:
Saturday 1st April (6pm): Katrina Martin and Rupert Frend
Sunday 2nd April (8:30am): Isaac and Hannah Redfern
Holy Thursday 6th April (6pm): Volunteers needed
Good Friday 7th April (3pm): Bianca & Abbey Bayliss
Easter Vigil Saturday 8th April (7pm): Katie & Josh Spinks, and any other volunteers
Easter Sunday 9th April (8:30am): Bianca & Abbey Bayliss, Isaac & Hannah Redfern
Saturday 15th April (6pm): Katie & Josh Spinks
Sunday 16th April (8:30am): Isaac & Hannah Redfern
Saturday 22nd April (6pm): Katrina Martin, Rupert Frend
Sunday 23rd April (8:30am): Bianca & Abbey Bayliss
Saturday 29th April (6pm): Katie & Josh Spinks
Sunday 30th April (8:30am): Lucas & Benny Grosser
To read about what’s happening in our parish, please visit this link to read the Parish Bulletin for the week starting Sunday 26th March.