Deputy News
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” —Jennifer Dukes Lee
Deputy News
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” —Jennifer Dukes Lee
Dear Parents and families,
Welcome back to term 2! Whilst it has been an unusual start to the term with ANZAC day on Tuesday, it was so lovely to see smiling faces on the gate on Monday morning and each school morning this week.
The students (and parents) are so happy to be back for another wonderful term ahead.
All students have settled in extremely well this term and we welcome several new students across our school.
The kindness and care I have seen across the school this week has been amazing! From the older students towards the younger ones and vice versa, from friends waiting for each other eagerly at the gate, from the caring friends in the playground and then the buzz and catch up of parents in the schoolyard and of course the teacher's excitement to see one another after a two week break, absolutely warms my heart. Sacred Heart is displaying what we are all about across our community.
It was certainly a fitting way to close out our week with the most moving Anzac Day service run by our year 5 students. They are certainly leaders in the making. We thank Mr Dara Blake for arranging this special ceremony to commemorate our diggers. We are so grateful to the service men and women of our country.
It has been extremely pleasing to see the growth and learning that has occurred in spelling across years 3-6 over term 1. As this was the first time we have taught this program all students from years 3-6 were re-assessed and many students have changed groups, ready for a new challenge this term. I thank all the 3-6 teachers for their patience and dedication in getting this explicit, evidence based spelling program up and running this year. We look forward to seeing growth in our spelling across the school.
Spelling Mastery has a strong emphasis on morphology.
This week Kate Stroud, Sarah Rafferty and I worked on a Morphology scope and sequence for prep to Year 6. This will tie in perfectly with our explicit literacy approach.
Morphology is the study of words and their parts. Morphemes, like prefixes, suffixes and base words, are defined as the smallest meaningful units of meaning. Morphemes are important for phonics in both reading and spelling, as well as in vocabulary and comprehension. Look out your children will know all about the meaning and parts of words!
Thanks to Karen Hartnett our new LSO who has alerted us to a viewing of the new Embrace Kids movie which is showing at the Dendy Cinema on the 21st of May. Body image is an issue with young people today. If we can be part of the solution I'm all for it! If you and your family are interested please watch the trailer and make a booking through Try booking.
We look forward to welcoming our mums to our Mother's day assembly on Friday 12th of May. I had a glimpse of a beautiful song that our juniors are singing, bring the tissues, its adorable!
Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend,
Brigid Pennington
Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader