Principal News 

Wellbeing Matters


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Dear Families and Friends,


Welcome to Term 2. It certainly seems that everyone - students, families, and staff - had a great time over Easter and the term break, and we are now ready to begin another full and highly productive term. We look forward building upon the fantastic work that was accomplished in Term 1 and maintaining our commitment to a consistent and structured approach to our learning programs over the coming months. Term 2 and 3 are typically the busiest and most productive, as the children are now settled into the rhythm of the school year.  


We again thank you for your assistance in ensuring that the students get adequate rest during the school week, arrive at school on time, and maintain consistent routines to provide them with the optimal opportunities to access the learning program at Sacred Heart. Across all levels, this steadily steps up another gear as the year progresses, so expect some very tired children in the weeks to follow. 


Please note a few key considerations for the term ahead:

  • Winter uniform transition period 24th April - 5th May. Winter uniform - 8th May
  • Yr.5 Camp 3rd - 5th May
  • Cross Country - 5th May
  • P&F 8th May
  • SAC 9th May
  • Mother’s Day Stall 10th&11th May
  • Mother’s Day Assembly 12th @ 9am. Visit classrooms after assembly.
  • P&F Mother’s Lunch 20th May
  • Principal’s Conference 22nd - 26th May
  • Confirmation 25th May
  • Little Hearts Playgroup 26th May
  • Kids Disco P&F 2nd June
  • School Closure - Berry Street Training 9th June
  • Public Holiday 12th June
  • Book Fair 13th - 16th June
  • Soccer, Netball & Football Lightning Premiership 14th, 15th & 16th June
  • Grandparent’s Day - 16th June
  • End of Term  23rd June



On Tuesday, we remembered with thanksgiving those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in time of war. We pray that the offering of their lives may not have been in vain.  We dedicate ourselves to the cause of justice, freedom and peace; and for the wisdom and strength to build a better world.  


Today at Sacred Heart we had a very special ceremony led by our Yr.5 students to commemorate ANZAC Day.  We thank the students for their efforts and thoughtfulness and Mr Blake for coordinating this ceremony. 


Anzac Day, 25th April, is a day set aside as ‘the one day of the year’ to solemnly remember those who went to war to fight for their countries freedom. It is a day when all Australians and New Zealanders think of those who answered the call of their country in times of war.


During World War 1, soldiers landed at Gallipoli (Turkey) on the 25th April 1915. On that fateful morning, ANZAC soldiers landed on the shore just before dawn and rushed up the steep cliffs on the beach.


The Turkish soldiers initially retreated from the surprise attack, however by the end of the first day; the Turkish army gained an advantage over our troops, leaving 2000 ANZACs dead. For 6 months the fierce battle raged on. By the 20th of December 1915, 8700 Australian lives had been lost. Overall 97,000 allied soldiers were killed.


Anzac Day is a day when we remember their fathers, grandfathers, relatives and mates who never returned from war.


We do not glorify war; rather it is a day when we reflect on the awfulness, the death, destruction and horror that it brings.


Each year we remember all those killed and injured in war and we should each vow that, if at all possible, wars should never happen again. Today we pray that we will work towards finding alternatives to war as to make our world a more peaceful place.


Listed below are some important symbols that we associate with this historical day.

The slouch hat is a symbol of the Anzacs who fought at Gallipoli during World War 1. It is still worn by the Australian Army today.


The Aussie soldiers were called Diggers because they dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. We still refer to our soldiers as diggers today.


Have you ever eaten an ANZAC biscuit?

A group of Australian women had a brilliant idea to make biscuits packed with nutrition, but tough enough to last the two month sea voyage from Australia to the battlefields. They were so tough the soldiers were afraid they would break their teeth so they used to ground them down to make porridge in the trenches.


The ‘Last Post’ is a stirring piece of bugle music. It was used in the 1600s to tell the soldiers what time it was. It has been used to signify the end of the day.

The Minutes Silence is held to reflect on the significance of the day and as a sign of respect for the many lives lost.


The Rouse or Reveille piece of music is played to signify the waking up to a new day. During ANZAC services this is where the Australian flag is raised to full mast.


The Red Poppies have been a symbol at services for over 80 years. The tradition began when a Canadian soldier fighting in France in 1915 wrote the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. He noticed that red poppies grew where hundreds of young men had died. Shortly afterwards they became a symbol of remembrance services.

The Ode of Remembrance is taken from a poem called ‘For the Fallen’. 


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.


If you had the opportunity to attend the special assembly conducted by our Year 5 students on Friday, you would agree that it was a most impressive tribute to honor and respectfully acknowledge our ANZACs. Despite the limited time for preparation, these exceptional students delivered an outstanding performance, and we couldn't have been prouder of their manner and dedication. Our Year 5 students, who are our aspiring leaders, are setting a remarkable example and making such a positive impression before they enter their final year at Scared Heart. Many thanks again to Mr Blake for supporting his students with this special ceremony. 


We extend our well wishes to both our Year 5 students and staff as they embark on their annual three-day excursion to Rumbug next week. Despite the timing and unpredictable weather, this outdoor adventure camp remains a fantastic highlight for many of our students. These three days and two nights provide an excellent opportunity for students to cultivate independence and serve as a stepping stone to the longer camp experience in Year 6, when they visit Canberra. We are immensely grateful to our dedicated staff members, Mr. Blake, Ms. Tench, Ms. McKay, and Mr. Smedley, for their generous time and support to ensure that this wonderful and enriching experience is possible for our students. It is important to acknowledge that the responsibility of 24/7 care remains one of the most significant as educators.

Please note, in the absence of Ms Tench and Ms McKay on camp, their respective classes will be covered by Mr Harrison and Mr Brown.  


In the following weeks, the students in Year 5 and 6 will participate in their inter-school sports program on Fridays, where they will compete in netball and football against other schools in our Catholic network. Their passionate football coach, Mr. Brown, who also goes by Coach Dimma, started training this week and is clearly excited about the upcoming games. He recently acquired a magnetic board, which he is just a little bit proud of. 

When this picture was captured, the team had not been finalized yet, hence no 'secret' details were revealed (leaked) prior to their initial match on Friday versus St. Finbars. On a positive note, the team's performance was pretty impressive today as Harry H scored 12 goals by the end of the third quarter.


Importantly, we would like to emphasize that our netball team holds equal importance, and our students were super excited this competition finally got underway, and with a win. This competition occurs every week and concludes with three Lightning Premierships towards the end of the term:

  • Soccer 14th June
  • Netball 15th June
  • Football 16th June

In addition, each week our students will be rotated through the teams to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to participate in this program. The students who do not play netball or football on a Friday will participate in one of Miss McKay's incredible (exhaustive) fitness classes. One student said they were completely 'broken' after the workout and struggled to even go back up the stairs at the end of the day. We also congratulate Miss McKay who just completed her Cross Fit accreditation enabling her train students in this capacity. 


P-2 ChoirTuesday lunchMiss Robertson
FitnessWednesday lunchMiss Mackay
ArtWednesday from 8amMs Hyslop
RunningThursday 7.50am Mr Brown , Mr Blake & Ms Tench
GardeningTuesday from 8amMrs Collins
Mindfulness (inc. colouring)Thursday lunch Miss Maloney
Reading Friday lunchMiss McKay and Library Captains


This term we are thrilled to welcome the following students to Sacred Heart. We have no doubt these students and their families will be so warmly embraced in our community, the best in the Bayside:

  • Kate and Jacob McNulty
  • Sophia Simunic
  • Chase Kaoullas

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that we are still receiving numerous expressions of interest from families who are eager to become a part of our fantastic school. We have already run, and have planned several more tours for prospective Preps this term and we are also happy to say that many tours have been scheduled for other grade levels. Once again, we express our sincere gratitude to our existing families for sharing their positive experiences with others and endorsing the excellent initiatives taking place at Sacred Heart.


With another 20+ pre-schoolers and toddlers today, it's great to see that our playgroup is thriving and that families are showing such interest in joining. Providing opportunities for young children to socialize, play, and learn in a group setting has numerous benefits for their development. We also thank our Yr.6 students for assisting with the session today, they loved it! We are beginning to wonder who enjoys this program more.


Next Sessions:

  • 26th May 10am
  • 2nd June 10am

Family and friends are most welcome to attend. No age limit on toddlers or pre-schoolers. 


Please find attached a beautiful review highlighting the impact of the funds generated by the Sacred Heart Parish Social Justice Committee for Remexio, Timor Leste. This includes the furniture donated by our school in 2021, overseen by Mrs McGrath and Mr Blake (REL).  We look forward to continuing this support in the months and years and follow.  


  • Yr. 5 Camp - 3rd-5th May
  • Mother's Day Assembly - 12th May
  • Mother's Luncheon - 20th May
  • Principal Conference - 22nd - 26th May
  • Confirmation - 25th May
  • P&F Kids Disco - 2nd June
  • Berry St School Closure - 9th June


Would you believe, I caught a fish this big? Congratulations Col on this stunning catch during your recent holidays to Northern Queensland. You certainly have bragging rights over your very proud dad. I love having these special moments shared with me. 


And finally...

After visiting all the classrooms, greeting new students and families, and conducting several school tours throughout the week, there is undoubtedly a remarkable energy and atmosphere at Sacred Heart at the moment. Collectively we are building something pretty special and I am eagerly anticipating the exciting developments that lie ahead in the upcoming months for our students, families and staff. So, prepare yourself and enjoy the journey at the best school in the Bayside area, Sacred Heart.  


With much pride,


Simon Collis




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