Student Expectations - Uniform

It has been a tradition at St Mary’s College Gunnedah, since its foundation in 1879, that the students’ identity can be found in wearing a common uniform. It has been and will continue to be the policy of the College that no student should be disadvantaged in this area and therefore, all will have access to the correct uniform requirements. 


Living Well, Learning Well confirms that part of our Shared Belief and Understandings include the provision of an inclusive, safe environment that is supported by high expectations. It is important for students to have a sense of belonging to school and have opportunities to participate. 


Our uniform allows our students to demonstrate their pride in being a member of the St Mary’s College community and their respect for the tradition that has gone before them. It also provides a sense of connectedness and mitigates risk associated with curriculum activities enabling all students to participate safely and wholeheartedly in all school programs.  


We are pleased to see the majority of students returning to school in the Winter Uniform. 


Please familiarise yourself with the uniform requirements Uniform Policy


The Uniform Shop is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm to 4pm however all items can be purchased at any time via QKR and collected by the students at the front office, on Thursday and Friday.


Some points to note are:


*Stockings/socks for all girls are NAVY BLUE not BLACK

*Winter coats plain BLACK or NAVY BLUE without hoods

*NO hoodies or non-school jumpers. Students who feel the cold MUST have a school jumper even on cold days. They will be asked to remove any other items

*NO beanies

*Scarves or gloves PLAIN BLACK or NAVY BLUE

*Note the length of pinafores or skirts: “To the knee”