5/6 H What a Term!
In 5/6H we ask ‘ Why be mediocre when you can achieve EXCELLENCE?’ so all of the amazing students in our class work hard to be excellent learners.
We’ve had an incredible start to the year where everyone is a valued member of the 5/6H family. We understand the importance of respect, tolerance and acceptance for everyone’s differences.
We worked extremely hard in Maths, English, Inquiry and Religion where we improved in our post tests, strengthened our knowledge of the world and explored the importance of ‘Lighting the Way’ for others.
Using different habits of the mind helps us to be open to continuous learning.
We’ve strengthened our ‘oral language’ skills by presenting research projects in front of the class. It was important to project our voices and maintain eye contact with the audience.
We learned how to play ‘Jacks’ and ‘Table Tennis’ in our free time to further develop our fine motor coordination skills, and to have a bit of fun playing indoor games with each other.
We’ve had fun spinning the wheel each morning, working out the New York Wordle and sharing stories of our weekends.
As a class, we are committed to making the most of everyday, and look forward to a wonderful Term 2.
Pictures of Our Learning Environment