Manager Corporate Services

Ms Yvonne Bopp

Welcome back to Term 2. 


This term is busy with several excursions happening. Excursions will be billed directly to student accounts when they happen, unless a deposit is requested in the parental approval request. 


Thank you to those families who have made payments or contacted us regarding payment plans. Please remember that the first and second boarding instalment should have been paid by now, unless you are on a payment plan or are organising your AIC payments.


Please note that monthly statements are sent home as a reminder of your outstanding balance. If you receive AIC, you are not required to pay on these statements. If you do not see a credit for the BAHA payment of $1,350.00 it means that we are still missing information from you. Please contact us to make sure that you meet the application deadline. 


The following methods of payment are available:


Electronic Banking

  • Name of Account: WA College of Agriculture – Cunderdin
  • Bank: Bendigo Bank
  • BSB Number: 633 000 Account Number: 155 427 040
  • Reference: Your child’s student number or name


EFTPOS  Facility

There is EFTPOS available at the front office for payments. This also allows us to take credit card payments over the phone.



Cheques can be made out to WA College of Agriculture - Cunderdin and posted to PO Box 132 Cunderdin WA 6407.


If you are experiencing payment difficulties, please contact us. We are happy to work with parents on payment plans that suit individual circumstances.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call myself or Mrs Lisa Jasper on 9635 2100 or email


Ms Yvonne Bopp

Manager Corporate Services