Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Welcome back to Term 2. 


Our data and our observations tell us that Year 12's, in particular, are feeling the strain of a long stint in secondary education and boarding.  They come here as fresh-faced Year 11's often enthusiastic and willing. During this first year, many of these students work hard and long hours to develop skills of independence and resilience. Many become more involved on other farms and further develop those skills. During their time here many students obtain a driver’s license and vehicle and gain independent mobility. Many are empowered by their newfound freedom, question their need for an education and essentially outgrow the system around this time. 


It is no doubt challenging to work with the same people all day and live with them in close quarters at night. Year 12's, more than Year 11's, report significant pressures within and out of school, a diminishing sense of belonging, difficulty in discussing their feelings and managing their mental health.  Students often see leaving school and entering the workforce as a solution to these challenges but can be prone to overestimating their abilities, coping skills and underestimating the need for a backup plan and the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances.


Year 12 is a demanding year, and while it is not the only pathway to success, it does open doors and opportunities. In the Wellbeing program and in the advice I give to students, we focus on developing coping and resilience skills. Exactly now, during this time of transition from secondary schooling to their next phase of life, is a fantastic time to invest in patience, resilience, diplomacy and conflict resolution skills. It’s not just the academic, farm and trade skills that are being grown and polished in these final months of secondary schooling but life skills that will serve a lifetime. 


Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator




Wheatbelt Support Serivces Directory

Below is a detailed directory of services available within the Wheatbelt compiled by Holyoake in Northam. There are contacts for alcohol and drug support, wellbeing and mental health, ATSI services, medical, family and domestic violence services, along with financial, housing and social services.