Connect: Year 1

It was lovely to see everyone at the Mother's Day performance, the students were very excited to sing and perform.
The Next Fortnight of Learning
Our phonics focus for the next two weeks is 'or, aw ' as in Mr Shaw's sport shorts and 'ir and er ' as in the thirteen bursting monsters. We will continue to review the sounds taught in term one.
Our reading focus is to compare the features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Our mentor text is Bin Chicken. We will be looking at the features of an information text such as glossary and diagrams.
In writing students will be learning to recognise what a fact is and how to write one.
Students are learning to develop their measurement skills in relation to length. They will be comparing the length of objects using informal units. Students will practice relevant vocab such as longer, taller, shorter, smaller and the same as.
Our inquiry unit for the term is called Places and Spaces. Student will investigate elements of community. They will discuss services in their own community and why the community has been designed in a particular way.
The habits of mind associated with the inquiry unit are persisting and thinking and community with clarity and precision.
Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Personal Strengths. During this unit students will learn to identify and describe their personal strengths, explain how these strengths contribute to family and school life. Students will also explore ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends.
Sports day
The students enjoyed participating in the junior sports day.
Dojo points
Well done to students who have received bronze awards!
Please check your child's reading satchel. There will be new readers and spelling words to work on at home. Leave an acknowledgment to show this was completed together.