Connect: Year 5

Welcome to Term Two and our new online newsletter :)

Key dates - Year 5

  • District Cross Country: Monday, 22nd of May
  • Winter Lightning Prem: Friday, 16th of June
  • Arts Centre Melbourne: Thursday, 22nd of June

The Next Fortnight of Learning



Over the next two weeks in Literacy students will continue to create their information reports on a chosen topic. Specifically they are learning to use the 'Single Paragraph Outline' as a way to structure their texts. Students are learning to use topic sentences correctly and paraphrase information they have researched. We will also have a focus moving forward on using text features (sub-headings, headings, captions, diagrams) to assist them with answering comprehension questions.




In Maths we are continuing our focus on fractions and decimals. We will explore strategies for finding equivalent fractions and comparing to see which is larger. Students will build upon their place value knowledge by extending to decimals, as we learn to read and order decimal numbers correctly.  


We will also be investigating Chance and Probability during our maths learning over the coming weeks. Students will have the chance to investigate all the possible outcomes of an event and describe the chance of each outcome occurring. They will link chance to fractions and use the language of probability such as “blue has a one in three chance of being selected”. 




Over the next two weeks in Inquiry students will continue their unit of learning titled, 'Think Global, Act Local'. This will involve investigating the collection of weather data and why this information is so important for predicting weather trends. As we continue to learn about the concept of sustainability students will also explore how countries aim to look after their environments by making important economic and social decisions.  This includes looking at sustainability strategies used by governments such as law making, planting programs and ensuring schools educate their students about the environment.




Over the next two weeks as part of our Wellbeing learning students will explore character strengths they admire in others. These character strengths include honesty, courage, compassion, loyalty, creativity and others. We will discuss the meaning of these traits and how they can be shown towards others.


  • Please remember to return Sovereign Hill Camp notices to your classroom teacher
  • Please return order forms for Hot Dog day, as soon as possible

Celebration of Learning

Project Magnify - 5/6 STEAM Excursion 


On Tuesday the 2nd of May students in Year 5/6 travelled to the Moorabbin Air Museum as part of their STEAM learning. Students had the opportunity to explore the museum and learn about various types of aircraft. They particularly enjoyed getting the chance to sit in the pilot's seat of the air planes and helicopters. Students then participated in a STEAM activity where they had to design, create and test a glider using materials such as cardboard and straws.

Mathematics Learning - 3D Objects


 As part of our recent mathematics learning students had the opportunity to build various 3D objects using matchsticks and model clay. They collaborated with others and persisted with building some more challenging 3D objects such as a octahderon and pentagonal prism. Once students had built their 3D objects they were required to draw it in their maths book, name the 3D object and its properties (edges, vertices and faces).