Connect: Year 3

May 2023

Welcome to another week of school and another new issue of connect! It feels as though this term is literally flying and it will be winter school holidays before we know it! 


Congratulations to our students on a great performance for our Mothers Day afternoon. They were so excited and passionate to practise leading up to it so we were very proud!


We have an important date coming up. Please see below:


  • Thursday 1st June - Moonlit Sanctuary excursion. We have sent the permission slips with request for payment home this week. If you did not receive one, please let us know and we can ensure you get a copy. Please return as soon as you can. The children are very excited!



What is happening in our classrooms?

  • Literacy: Last week and this week we have been practising our visualising skills. We talked about visualisation being the images we create when we read a story. Some of our activities included not seeing the pictures from a picture book and then attempting to draw what we visualised based on the language we heard! Throughout writing, we started developing some ideas about characters and settings and adding these to our writers notebooks. These will help us form amazing and detailed stories!
  • Maths: Throughout this week we have been learning about ordering numbers. We have also been applying this learning when problem solving worded problems with more than one step. We have also briefly touched on 3D shape, naming them and creating them using nets. Next week we are going to move into addition and subtraction.
  • Inquiry: We have kick started our unit 'Blue Marble' by watching some clips and learning about our earth and where we sit in the universe. We have showed the children lots of ideas about the environment, including the human impact on animal habitats. This is a big unit and it will culminate in our students attending Moonlit Sanctuary to learn about our endangered local animals.
  • Wellbeing: Last week we finished making our posters which had a range of strategies to help us move 'into the green zone' both inside the classroom and in the yard! This week and next we are going to explore ourselves in the zones and what it might look like, sound like and feel like.


Look at what we have here!

Here is a sneak peak into what we have been learning about in Inquiry. This video gives a brief history of earth and our accomplishments. This has helped kick start our conservation unit 'The Blue Marble'. You will notice the cover of our connect is a picture of the 'blue marble'. The term was coined by astronauts in December, 1972, during the Apollo 17 mission. They called it the blue marble due to its similarity to the popular game!

A sneak peak of our learning!

Last week we spent time learning about our history of ANZAC Day. The students were taught the meaning behind the ANZACs and practising expressing gratitude for those who have served and who are currently serving. We made gratitude poppies which are on display in our patch area. More of this artwork will be added over the next week.



We hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Please contact us if you have questions!


The Grade Three Team - Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate and Stef