Connect: Year 2

Bronze Awards
Congratulations to our Bronze Award recipients who have consistently shown our school values and earned 100 DOJO POINTS!!!!! We are looking forward to seeing more of our students reach 100 points in the coming weeks!
Breaking News...Just In!!!
The Next Fortnight of Learning
We will continue using the mentor text, 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore' by William Joyce. If you would like to check this out at home, you can view it by clicking HERE.
We will be diving into narratives; how authors introduce their characters, develop storylines and engage the reader through sizzling starts. Writing stamina is a big focus in the coming weeks, as we explore the writing process and structure of a narrative looking at engaging our audience and developing ideas.
Over the next two weeks we will be exploring 3D objects; looking at which ones we can name and describe through the features of a variety of 3D objects. We will also be delving into place value of ordering numbers on a number line, exploring the language of greater than and less than and deepening our understanding and reasoning of the value of maths. Here is a great game we have learnt if you would like to play it at home called Tumbling Towers click HERE to learn how to play.
We have discovered many keen and enthusiastic scientists in the last few weeks who have enjoyed making predictions and exploring their wonderings. In the coming weeks, we will continue to explore biological and chemical science through a variety of experiments, encouraging the students to develop their wonderings and connect to the Habits of Mind; gathering data through all the senses and questioning and posing problems.
Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Help Seeking. During this unit students will learn to identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends, they will practise solving simple interpersonal problems and discuss the importance of seeking help when dealing with problems that are too big solve alone.
Junior Sports Day
A Celebration of Learning
The Grade 2 students set personal learning goals for Term 2. They wrote their goal as the flower and considered how they were going to achieve this and wrote these on the leaves. We would love for you to ask your child what their goal was and continue chatting with them about this throughout the term.
We hope you have a wonderful fortnight. Please contact us if you have any questions!
The Grade Two Team- Hailee Eade, Krystal Anderson & Kate Perrins