Parents and Friends

The Parents’ and Friends’ would like to extend an enormous welcome to Mr Michael Horne and his family to our school and to our district. We appreciate the gusto with which Mr Horne has started the term, particularly with the many functions in week one, culminating with a round of golf on Sunday!


We would like to thank all of the parents that contributed time and food for the Annual College Community Golf Day. There was fabulous feedback on the catering from appreciative golfers, and I would like to particularly like to thank Penny Fraser and Kate Pye for coordinating sustenance on the day. 


Our P&F AGM will be held on Tuesday 9 May at 6pm and can be attended in person or via Zoom. We encourage any parents who would like to attend as it is a great opportunity to find out about the many ways to participate in different ventures to support our children. There is no obligation to volunteer or assist but we hope to encourage connection as a school parent body. 


Our main fundraising focus this year is for the myPEC outdoor space, an initiative we hope to launch in the very near future. We are engaged with Landscape Architects as part of the master plan for the school to develop this space to benefit current and future students. 


Our second hand uniform shop is open on Mondays between 3:30 and 4:30pm at the P&F shed. We have a large range of good quality second hand clothing on offer. For more information contact Zoe Price on 0400 017 565. We sincerely thank Zoe for her time and dedication to this initiative. 


We would like to thank Sally in the Tuckshop for all of the efforts she puts towards providing a healthy menu for our children- she works enormously hard to make this happen and to keep the Tuckshop running smoothly. We are currently looking to employ a second person to assist her. In the short term, ask that anyone willing to volunteer click on the tab provided and put your name down. The morning is most helpful to assist with lunch orders and the recess rush. Sally would be most appreciative of the help to keep this vital service running. 




Tuckshop volunteering – click here: 


Amanda Nagorcka

P&F President