Prayer and Reflection

Prayer (Psalm 13)

Remember me, God?

If so, where are you?

How long 

do I have to go through this?

Are you testing me?


God enough is enough!

I want some answers - now!

I don’t want to lose faith in you.

I don’t want to say,

“I told you so!”


I trust you, God,

And I will rejoice because you

always take care of me.

You are kind to me;

help me to keep praying.



Our Lady of the Rosary. Pray for us.

St Dominic. Pray for us.

Blessed Edmund Rice. Pray for us.


Staff Twilight PD - Prayer at McCarthy

Last Tuesday evening a number of staff elected to participate in professional development on the subject of 'prayer' at McCarthy. The threefold focus of the PD included broadening our understanding of prayer in the Catholic tradition, increasing staff confidence with using different ways of praying in staff meetings and with our students in the classroom, as well as introducing staff to a new and comprehensive prayer resource, ‘Sweeter than Honey’ produced by Broken Bay Institute. Staff elected to participate in their choice of five prayer workshops which provided both background information and the experience of a new way of prayer. The five prayer workshops included prayer walks, Lectio Divina (praying with Scriptures), Visio Divina (praying with Scriptural images & artworks), Scripture and the Rosary and Imaginative Contemplation or guided Meditation. During the presentation staff were also introduced to the use of contemporary song as a means of engaging youth in prayer. As well as the Psalms, song is  a versatile source of prayer for many occasions and situations. It is hoped that we will feel more confident about praying in different ways in our classrooms and meetings. 



Our thoughts and prayers are with Tarnee Ingram and her family following the passing of her  grandmother and to Ellie and James Highlands and their family following the passing of their grandfather.


Mrs Cate Allen -  Leader of Mission, Spiritual Formation and Religious Education