Senior School News

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the senior school team for their hard work and support of all senior students, particularly those new to the College, during term 1. It was great to see so many students attend the “New Student Luncheon” and see how well they have settled in. Students appear to be more confident and understand the expectations for learning and behaviour in each of their subjects.
Based on the progress reports thus far, the senior school team is pleased with student progress in general. We would like to congratulate and thank all those students who go above and beyond normal class work to be involved in a variety of school events and programs. Your leadership and participation is valued greatly. It is important for parents to constantly discuss their child’s learning goals and discuss their progress to date and outline strategies that they can use to improve their performance. Please remind your son/daughter that they can attend Homework Help every Tuesday and Wednesday between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. However, if you feel that your child is still having difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the relevant year level coordinator.
It was great to have Darren Pereira return to the College to talk to Year 11 about study skills and we look forward to having him return on the May 18th to talk to the Year 12 students. With exams fast approaching, his tips and advice will come in handy.
Haroula Loucaides
Senior School Leader
Year 10 News
It was good to see many Year 10 students running at Caulfield Park for the school Cross Country.
The work experience week, 26th-30th June, is fast approaching and it is intriguing to hear about all the professions that our Year 10s are going to be spending the week doing. However it is also a timely reminder to make sure the blue work experience form is brought back and that if you are lost for ideas to contact Ms McCaskie or Mr Robson.
Matthew Robson
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 11 News
It is with great excitement that we announce that the Year 11 Ski Camp in September has been approved. Year 11 students were very excited and within a week, we had reached the maximum number of 50 students paying the initial deposit and 4 other students on the waiting list. I would like to thank School Council for their support and as this ski camp is the first one for Glen Eira College, I am sure it will become an on-going event in the following years.
The first day of term 2 was invigorating for Year 11 as they were scheduled in for a seminar with Darren Pereira from Success Integrated. In the two periods, students learnt the importance of developing a positive approach to study and how a fixed mindset can prevent growth in their thinking. Some tips for students include reviewing notes:
- In brief blocks of time spread out over longer periods of time
- Do your first review immediately
- Then do a short review of your notes that night
- Correct any errors
- Clarify any misunderstandings
- Then spend one hour reviewing the week’s notes
- Then review your notes approximately once per month
- Then again after a month.
If students follow these tips, they have the ability to retain 95% of information they learn and review.
Mary Maniatis
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 12 News
It never amazes me how well this cohort of students use their private study periods, whether it be in the common room or the library. Most pleasing is the fact that they work collaboratively when the need arises as well as working well independently. That is not to say however, that at times their focus does wander. This is therefore a timely reminder that mobile phones and other devices are to be used for school work only. These devices will be confiscated if they are used for any other purpose.
On Friday 5th May all Year 12 students attended the VCE and Careers Expo 2017 at Caulfield Racecourse. Each student was given tasks that needed to be completed at the Expo. This work is the beginning of the preparation required for applying for tertiary courses.
Please contact me at the college regarding any school issue.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator