Junior School Highlights

What’s on in the Junior School
Thank you to all the parents and guardians who attended the parent/teacher interviews last term. It’s important continue to check XUNO to stay informed about your child’s progress.
The Year 9 Program had a very successful end to their term 1 projects. The captains will talk about that in their article.
We have had many teams represent the college at the Southern Metropolitan Regional Finals. Students went out on the book club excursion and had a fabulous time. We had an abundance of students volunteer to assist on Open Night - too many to mention in this article! Thank you for your time. Thank you to the Year 7 speakers, Aliya and Lucas, who spoke in front of a packed audience on Open Night. Well done to all.
If your child is absent or going away for an extended period of time, please ensure you stay in touch and inform the relevant coordinator and leave a message on the absence line.
Keira McLean
Junior School Leader
Year 7 Highlights
Term 1 was a period of transition for all students as they adjusted to high school. The challenges faced and the resilience gained from the experience will serve them well as they progress through the college. The Junior School leaders have already noticed an increase in maturity of Year 7 students in the early stages of term 2. As students settle into the year it is important that they continue to make learning their focus and make the most of the academic and extracurricular programs offered at GEC.
The school cross-country carnival was towards the end of term 1. The Year 7s participated with great enthusiasm, with a number of students progressing to the next stage of competition later in term 2.
The school athletics carnival is coming up very soon. We look forward to seeing the Year 7 students participate.
Daniel Mulligan and Bernie Coghlan
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 9 Highlights
Our Year 9 students celebrated the culmination of many weeks of planning with their Year 9 Program Market Stall event selling milkshakes, cupcakes and chocolate and running sideshow style games. Thanks to the Year 9 Program team for all their work to provide students with the opportunity to test out their business skills and do something worthwhile for the local community.
Year 9 camp at Rubicon for 9D, E and F is quickly approaching in Week 6 (22/5 - 26/5). Students attending had a session in the first week of term with a staff member from Rubicon to learn about the aims of the camp and what to expect when they are there. Information about the camp and supplies needed has already been distributed to students so if you need any further information please let me know.
As always if you have any questions or concerns about your student please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Fiona Finnegan
Year 9 Coordinator
From the Junior School Captains
Thank you to everybody who participated in the cross country carnival on the last day of term 1. It was a successful day and great to see many students participating in the race and cheering for their peers. Congratulations to the students who will be competing in the division cross country. I’m sure we are all looking forward to another great day at the upcoming athletics carnival.
As I’m sure many students have noticed our canteen and music room have been completed and the rest of the renovations are on their way!
Congratulations to all the Year 9s on their market stalls, who may have in fact put the canteen out of business! We should all be very proud of the $1200 we raised for Sacred Heart Mission and the Aboriginal Elders Council. Thank you to all students and teachers who supported the stalls and overall made the day a huge success.
John Fassoulis and Zoe Markopoulos
Junior School Captains