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Want to Play Tennis at Glen Huntly Tennis Club?
For more information:
The Club is in the Park behind the College – enter off Neerim Road.
For Junior Teams contact:
Barry Farrell
0403 054 491
To open the Glen Huntly Tennis Club flyer click below:
Entertainment Book
Glen Eira College is raising funds. Here's how you can help...
Please help our fundraising efforts by buying an Entertainment Membership from us. You'll receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do - helping our fundraising at the same time!
With the newer Digital Membership (having a copy on your phone) like many others are discovering, you'll you use it even more – especially with the brilliant ‘Near Me’ feature - you simply hit the 'Near Me' tab to see what deals are around you anywhere, anytime! AND you can download it onto your child/s phones for them to take advantage of the offers too! Of course the traditional Hard Copy is still available, you can simply choose when ordering.
From Subway to drinks, car washes, activities galore, accommodation plus so much more - it really is brilliant value for just $70.
Many families save from $550 - $1000+ per year with their membership.
Sacred Heart Mission’s Dine With Heart Month in May
Leave plenty of room in your diary in May - DINE WITH HEART MONTH is coming!
It’s your opportunity to EAT GOOD. DO GOOD. FEEL GOOD.
Victoria’s homelessness crisis now affects almost 23,000 people. Throughout May, participating restaurants, cafes and bars will join forces with diners to raise money to support Sacred Heart Mission’s Meals Program, which provides hearty, free meals every day for up to 400 people experiencing homelessness, disadvantage and social isolation.
It costs Sacred Heart Mission $4 to provide a person with a meal. When you think about it, for the cost of a coffee, you could help to feed someone in need.
There is a myriad of ways to support the Meals Program during May. Throughout the month there will be cocktail parties, dinners and bespoke desserts. There will be opportunities to donate at the end of your meal, or purchase a meal, knowing that a portion of that money will be donated directly to the Mission. Over 30 venues across Melbourne have signed up already and the list is growing.
Visit for participating restaurants, cafes and bars and for special events.
For any enquiries, please contact Sacred Heart Mission’s Events Department on T: 8534 4140 or E: