Blockbuster Movie Night – Wonder Woman!! Sunday 4th June
GECPA would like to invite you, your friends and family to join us at 6.15pm on Sunday 4th June at the Classic Cinema Elsternwick for a fun movie night fundraiser with the blockbuster screening of Wonder Woman. Check out the movie trailer at wonderwomantrailer
We will have nibbles and the chance to catch up with other parents and friends after the movie. All funds raised will go to Glen Eira College. Put it in your diary now.
Book your tickets through Trybooking:
Booran Road Pedestrian Crossing Safety Update
We are seeking safety improvements at the Booran Road school crossing. Have you seen our eye-catching banners at the corner of Neerim and Booran Roads?
VicRoads, College Councillors and Glen Eira Councillors and staff met on 27th February 2017. VicRoads have agreed to these safety improvements;
- Investigate installing Puffin detectors at the pedestrian crossing. Puffin detectors (infra-red technology) would sense a crowd waiting at the crossing and make the crossing light go longer.
- Undertake a traffic count 1-7 May 2017 to determine the traffic volume, type of vehicle and speed on either side of the crossing.
- Replace the current school speed zone signage with large signs to highlight the school speed zone.
- Consider installing a bike box to provide cyclists with a head start at the crossing.
VicRoads should have the above works undertaken by 30 June 2017. VicRoads confirms that electronic school speed signs has been included on the list of electronic school speed sign locations for future funding consideration, however there is no indication of our place on this list.
We look forward to VicRoads data and changes and continue to advocate with VicRoads on this issue. We have had continued fantastic support from Glen Eira Council on this issue and value their contribution to making the crossing safer for our children.
Victoria Walks is collecting data on unsafe spots for walking to support TAC road safety funding applications. Please take a minute to list Booran Road school crossing as a location needing attention –
If you haven't yet signed our online petition, please do it now. Go to
The popularity of the new park - Booran Reserve just south of the school adds to the need for safer streets for walking and cycling in the area.
GEC Parents Association (GECPA) – Join Us!
Next meeting Wednesday 24th May at 7:30pm
GECPA is an active, well organised and friendly group of parents from across the school community. All GEC parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you.
We are seeking
- a volunteer to help as Treasurer – a small job to keep track of monies spent and received. GEC office staff handle all payments of invoices, etc.
- a volunteer to administer the GECPA webpage - If you have some experience with intranet or internet page management and have publishing skills, please consider this role. It involves updating the GECPA webpage every 1-2 months. We can supply you with the content, and you would not need to attend committee meetings.
- a volunteer to assist our alumni group – we have 80 members so far and need a help to send emails to invite them to events like the movie night and grow membership.
- Year 7 families to join the year 7 contact list – If you are not already on this list, please send an email to including your mobile phone number and permission for us to include your details on the list for distribution to all other Year 7 GEC parents.
If you are interested being involved in GECPA please send an email to
Mother's Day Classic - Sunday 14th May 2017
Glen Eira College will again be supporting the Mother's Day Classic to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research. We are aiming to register more than 100 participants this year. To register to become a GEC Pink Panther and participate in the Mother's Day Classic, please log on to:
Party in the Park
Thanks to all the Glen Eira College parents and students who held a stall for the school the local council Party in the Park. The stall raised the profile of the school in our local community and raised $927 for GEC by selling snow cones, home-made jams and dog biscuits. The Parents Association are keen to do it again in 2018 at the Allnutt Park Party in the Park.
A new tiered seating area behind the PAC was built during the holidays with funds raised by the GECPA with some from school's budget.
Weekly walk and talk
We have a social walking group each Tuesday evening (weather permitting) to walk and chat for about an hour. We meet on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve - corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads.
So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use).
Gran Prix Bicycles offer school families a 5% discount and 5% donation back to Glen Eira College. Collect a loyalty card from the school office and present it in store at Gran Prix Cycles, Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South.
Cathy McNaughton and Juliet Brianton