ANZAC Day Commemorations

ANZAC Day at Glen Eira College
The forecast meant it was not clear whether we could go ahead with the first of its kind plan to have a whole school assembly to commemorate ANZAC Day. It rained in the morning, the ground was wet but the blue skies were on our side. Both flags, the Australian and New Zealand were flying. All of us, teachers, students, and admin staff were outside to pay our respects.
The senior school captains, Ben Hobbs-Gordon and Charlotte Skinner, led the assembly from start to end while everyone stood quietly. They had researched and written their own speech which they delivered to touch all our hearts.
Connor McCaskie and Cherry Teddu, students at the college, our own cadets in uniform, were the flag bearers as instructed by Mr Owen. Mr Pereira and Mr Tserkezidis made sure that the music and sound were right. Erin Herr sang the Australian National Anthem with absolute passion and Ann Butler proudly sang the New Zealand National Anthem. We were privileged to have Vin and Gale Elder from the Caulfield RSL to tell the story of The Light Horse. Towards the end of the service, the captains and our specials guests laid the wreaths. The last post followed the ode sending all of us into thoughts of Lest We Forget during the minute of silence.
By lunch time, the weather proved to be great and our amazing teachers’ band performed some old favourites. Many students sat around to listen while others participated. About $220 was raised for Legacy by selling ANZAC biscuits. Four volunteers from the Victorian Military Vehicle Club brought along their antique vehicles. On display there were the WWII Willy’s jeeps one in Army and the other in Navy colours. There was also a Vietnam era International MK 111 cargo troop transport and a Land Rover 110 Special Forces vehicle. Students demonstrated great interest in the vehicles throughout lunch. Special thanks to Gordon, Paul, Mick and Ramon for giving up their time.
I’m proud to say that regardless of weather, constraint of indoor space, and having to stand for about half hour, our GEC community as a whole took part in a most respectful manner. Thank you to students, staff and the team that was involved with the ANZAC service. Also a huge thank you to John Tserkezidis who was the key to making this lunch time a memorable one!
Dorit Tane
Student Voice, Team Program and Special Weeks Coordinator