Performing Arts News

Glen Eira College is proud to present Fame Jr!
After a hectic audition schedule and an extremely difficult selection process, the cast has now been selected and rehearsals are in full swing under the creative eyes of Mrs Mortimer, Ms Baker-Goldsmith, Ms Peters and we welcome back Zoe Tuttleby (an ex-GEC student who graduated last year).
We will be presenting 5 shows in total this year on Tuesday 13th August, Wednesday 14th August and Thursday 15th August, which will include 2 matinees to local Primary Schools. Soon we will be meeting with students that are interested in the other side of the stage and helping with lighting, sound, props, make-up and hair. We want this year’s school production to be a team effort, and all students to feel a part of a performing arts community and have one of the best experiences they can during their time at the college. We also have a lot of staff helping out this year, assisting with things like rehearsal supervision, prop making and design, posters, administration, choreography and much more.
So I am guessing you are wondering what is this show all about? We are introduced to a group of students who want to get into the New York High School of Performing Arts. We follow their 4 year journey along the way. It is focused around both student characters - Carmen, Nick, Serena, Schlomo, Iris, Tyra, to name a few – and teachers at the school, like Ms Sherman (who teaches English), Ms Bell (the dance teacher), Mr Sheinkopf (the music teacher) and Mr Myers (the acting and drama teacher). We see the highs and lows that they experience and along the way the audience will listen to the beautiful tones of our student’s voices and the talented moves of our dancers, actors and musicians.
We are really looking forward to this path that we are all taking on this year and look forward to updating you throughout the year. Hope to see you all in August!
Sarah Mortimer