Sport & Outdoor Education

Splashing Out

The Year 7 students were treated to two fun days of a variety of swimming and sports activities at MSAC.


On Monday 3 December, we learned different techniques for the desired safety in aquatic environments. Additionally, we learned how to signal someone if stuck in strong currents or deep lengths in a pool, as it would prepare us with knowledge on swim safety for future events. We then experienced the diving boards to a certain height which was very thrilling. As the swimming activities came to an end, we all got to encounter sports activities such as Squash, Badminton and Soccer.


It was extremely engaging as we all were able to develop new sports skills, as well as  getting to see all the sporting facilities that MSAC had to offer.

On Wednesday 5 December the Year 7 students including many other schools, got to participate in a full ‘Splash Out’ session, which included an enormous water slide,  two different inflatable obstacles on water, a wave pool and a large area to relax and swim. It was a fun-filled way to celebrate the end of exams and finish off the year with a big splash.


By Kate Lavers and Delaney Calder- 7 Cameron 2

Cricket Gala Day

Last Friday all the Year 7 students participated in a cricket gala day. The Grand final was between Cameron House and Providence House team. Cameron won in the end and I was lucky enough to receive the Player of the Match award. I would like to give a big thanks to the Altona Roosters and Cricket Victoria for volunteering and taking time off to help make this day a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole year level.

By Tess Oldham 7 Cameron 2