Student Wellbeing

From the Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing

As another academic year draws to a close, we take a deep breath as we enter the advent period. We are grateful for what has been achieved, celebrated and how too, we were challenged by experiences of 2018. I am sure we have all been enriched by the many relationships, connections and learning that has occurred at our wonderful College. There are so many opportunities at MSJ and this year we have given witness to our faith tradition and seen the face of Christ in our daily encounters with one another.  The College theme of ‘Let Joy Ignite Us,’ has been felt and lived by so many.  We have seen the spirit of life, the fullness of energy and sacred gift of one another.  We should enter the Advent time waiting to have our hearts open to the spirit of justice and compassion.


I am still struck by the strength and unity that we saw on our Feast Day, meeting our Year 7 students on their first day, our Year 8 students embracing the new House Structure, students in Year 9 planning and anticipating their City excursion, the conversations with our Year 10 students as they headed out for Work Experience, our Senior students who spoke so candidly and openly in our wellbeing lessons on consent.  I was so impressed by our students' honesty and self-reflection when they led conversations about their learning and goals.


Living life to the full and participating in the College’s co-curricular program has developed the gifts and talents of each young woman. Our young women are encouraged to live a balanced and enriched life. Participation in the community life of the College: Music, Performing Arts, Social Justice, Duke of Edinburgh, Sport, Debating, Community Arts

Projects and International Immersion Programs all promote the building of community. We thank the student leaders from Years 7 through to 12 that have provided student voice as to enable the College Stewardship Team to engage in authentic relationships. We are not isolated individuals but rather a collection of people who aim to live and give witness to the Josephite values of hospitality, welcome and stewardship.


Positive, honest and open relationships are at the cornerstone of a Josephite Education. This year, our college theme demanded that we look beyond our immediate self and focus on the needs of others and ‘to be’ with ourselves and others. Our sense of service and commitment to the life of the community promotes our inner balance, confidence and resilience: essential life skills. This year we celebrate not only the academic attributes of our students, but celebrate also the giving of self to this wonderful community.


Classes for 2019 will be finalised over the holiday period. As is the tradition and practice at MSJ, lists will be posted at various locations around the College on the first school morning in 2019. Please support your daughter in her transition to making new friends and support her growth mindset.


Our community continues to grow and engage in positive relationships through the gentle guidance of our Wellbeing Leaders; Ms Commadeur, Mrs Kubacki, Mrs Sammut, Ms Thompson, Mrs Duncan, Mrs Morlin, Ms Bourke, Ms Sexton and the teams of dedicated and professional Learning Mentor teachers.. We are also grateful and indebted to our College Wellbeing Team: Ms Susha Vance and Ms Jacinta McMahon we would like to thank our two Social Work Placed Students: Emily and Robert. On behalf of the community l would like thank them for diligence, care and compassion.


We are adding new features to the Parent Access Module (PAM)

We have recently reviewed medical information and excursion approvals which is currently through CareMonkey. While we have been very happy with the Service provided by CareMonkey, we felt out families would benefit from one less login, if we could include these requirements in the Parent Access Module (PAM). We are pleased to advise that we will be providing you with new medical information and excursion approvals through PAM commencing 2019. You do not need to do anything at this stage - we will send you instructions on how these work in January. CareMonkey can continue to be accessed until 31 December. Medical and excursion information in CareMonkey archives will remain in secure storage on an Australian server until the retention date expires - approximately 7 years.


Wishing you and your family a blessed, safe and joyous Christmas.


Steven Mifsud

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing