Education In Faith

From the Director of Catholic Identity

A Prayer for Christmas


Let the just rejoice,

for their Justifier is born.

Let the sick and infirm rejoice,

For their Saviour is born.

Let the captives rejoice,

For their Redeemer is born.

Let slaves rejoice,

for their Master is born.

Let the free rejoice,

For their Liberator is born.

Let All Christians rejoice,

For Jesus Christ is born.


St. Augustine of Hippo (354-440 CE)


Year 7-9 Advent Liturgy


On their final day at school, the Years 7, 8 & 9 students gathered in the Mary MacKillop Centre for the traditional Advent Liturgy. The students of 7 Cameron 1 under the guidance of Ms Helen O’Keefe and Ms Terri Curnow performed the story of the birth of Jesus from Luke’s gospel. The students performed in costumes beautifully prepared by Ms Alex Kowal and gave a prayerful and reverent re-telling of the nativity story. Well done to all involved.


Joseph’s Corner


Students have been busy preparing more than a dozen Christmas hampers that will be sent to Joseph's Corner who will distribute them to needy families accordingly. The hampers contain food and toy items for a range of adults and children in need. Well done to the students on their support of this annual initiative that helps many families who need extra help at this time of the year.


Year 12 Retreat


The annual new Year 12s Retreat was successfully held at Rutherford Park Country Retreat on 28 - 30 November. The students participated in a number of activities to help them discover, "The Treasure Within". On the Thursday evening, Fr Marcello Colasante of the Wendouree/Ballarat North parish presided over a celebration of the Eucharist for the new Year 12 students after which they were presented with their Year 12 badges. Thank you to the students for their open-mindedness to the experience and for the staff who gave so willingly to share this time with the girls.


Faith Team 2019


I would like to thank Danielle Fairthorne, Terri Curnow, Hayley Tagell and Helen O’Keefe for their great work in the Faith Team this year. These members have been instrumental in providing many curriculum, social justice, faith and liturgical experiences for the students and staff. A special thanks to Helen O’Keefe as she finishes at MSJ this year. Helen has, for a number of years, been an active member of the Faith Team leading faith formation experiences for staff and students, assisting the Sisters of St Joseph through Joseph’s Corner and Mary MacKillop Today, leading liturgical experiences for students and teaching within the RE Domain at a senior level. All the best, Helen.


We look forward to Terri Curnow continuing her work in the Faith Team as Helen’s replacement. Ms Danielle Fairthorne will return to the role of Director of Catholic Identity at the beginning of the 2019 school year after being on maternity leave. I will return to the role of Faith & Identity Curriculum Leader. I would like to thank the Faith Team for their invaluable support this year and the assistance of the staff in leading the faith life of the College.


Wishing you all blessings for the coming season of Christmas.


Scott McNulty

Acting Director of Catholic Identity