From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


The weather has finally turned and there is a definite spring in the step of both staff and students. It might also have something to do with the wonderful events over the last week and into this week. In this edition you will be able to read of just a sample of what has occurred.

Official Blessing and Opening of the Francis Building, Administration Building and Cross Installation

These significant buildings and structures were officially blessed by Bishop Patrick O’Regan and opened by Ms Pauline Richards MP, Member for Cranbourne, Ms Maria Kirkwood – Chief Executive Officer of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd and Bishop Patrick. The Administration Building has serviced the needs of our community for some time now and has become a service centre for the needs of the community. Likewise the Francis Building, previously known as the Yr 9 Learning Centre, has been in operation delivering a new curriculum program based on active, project based learning. The Cross Installation has stood proud throughout this year. It is the third significant structure which speaks at the heart of who we are as a Catholic school. The gates of Peter are a sign of welcome, the statue of Peter beckons all forward inviting a closer relationship with Christ. This Cross installation, stands at the very centre of the campus and reminds us of our calling to be Christ-centred in all that we do and say. It was a wonderful celebration and a significant moment in the history of the Clyde Nth Campus



Art and Technology Exhibition – Clyde Nth Campus

It was a pleasure to move around the wonderful pieces of Art and Technology presented as part of the Art and Technology Exhibition on Monday night. It was a celebration of the artistic and creative talents of our students. There is strong evidence that the number one attribute identified as the most significant in developing tomorrow’s leaders is creativity. So it is so very critical that we provide the staff, resources and facilities to provide an environment where the creative skills of our young people are enhanced. Equally important is to provide events such as the exhibition to showcase these talents. Congratulations to Cassandra Guevarra of Yr 12 for being awarded the Principal’s Prize for Art. Her piece titled “TV girl” portrayed in her words “… a world dominated by technology, where the youth of our generation falls victim to the pleasures granted by modern devices. ‘TV girl’ is a homage to my history of heavy gaming, where colours from the games I played was the only thing that coloured my otherwise monochromatic life I lived during my high school years. My mind was only concerned with gaming, driving me away from important aspects I refused to face in reality.”

This piece is a sombre message of one of the negative aspects of the technological world we find ourselves in and is a poignant reminder of the perils of gaming and its potential influence in our lives.

Congratulations is also extended to the Principal’s prize for Technology, Taylah Vinci of Yr 10. Taylah’s rustic coffee table embodied many of the qualities modern designers strive for; it utilised 100% reclaimed materials, in this case pine pallets. It demonstrated Taylah’s skill in using traditional manufacturing techniques, in this case using the wooden lathe to turn the legs. And it showcased a contemporary maritime aesthetic. Well done Taylah.


Yr 6 into 7 Parent Night – CLN

We farewelled the Yr 12s last week and the following week we welcomed the parents and students who will be entering the gates of St Peter’s in 2020. It was wonderful to see so many faces full of anticipation for the beginnings of secondary school. This night is the beginning of their transition into St Peter’s which is quickly followed by the Orientation Day to be held this year on December 3rd.


Policy Development

Two policies were ratified by the School Advisory Committee in the past two weeks. These policies are: Complaints Handling Policy and Parent Code of Conduct. Both of these can now be found on the College Web-site for your reference.

High Achievers

Congratulations to the following two high achievers who are currently competing in the State Athletic Championships.

Kaylah Barrett (Year 7 Augustine).

Kaylah is a newcomer to the sport. She competed in the 100m and 400m this weekend and achieved Personal Best times in both events. She qualified for the semi final in the 400 and finished in a creditable 7th place. She is definitely "one to watch" in the future and will compete in her favourite event the 200m next weekend.

Shahd Mohamed (Year 10 Romero)

Shahd competed in the 400m. She had the fastest qualifying time in the heat on Saturday and then went on to win the gold medal in the Victorian State final on Sunday. Shahd has now qualified to compete at Nationals in Perth in December but will also compete in the 200m next weekend.

Congratulations to both students.



Note: There will be no newsletter next week due to the shortened week

Enjoy the week ahead.







Mr Chris Black
