Hakea House

Hakea House News
Term 1 has seen a smooth transition for students, teachers and classes, with all settling well into learning programs with fresh enthusiasm for the year ahead.
A strong sense of community has developed even at this early stage, facilitated by our outstanding team of student leaders, including: House Captains Vishna W and Naweed S (Year 12); SRC Captains Mridula C (Year 7); Rukhsar A (Year 8); Peter M K (Year 9); Mubina J (Year 10); Sadin U (Year 11) and Amira H Z (Year 12). From Hakea House we also have the School Captains Nishadi W and Abas H and SRC President Elham A.
Congratulations to all House and School Leaders from Hakea for 2020. We are very proud of their appointments to these positions and of the way they have represented our House and school in their various roles thus far.
Our accelerated Year 7 students have also settled well into their classes having almost completed their first term at High School. Year 7 students so far this year have participated in the school swimming sports and House Volleyball with enthusiasm and showing much House spirit.
The Swimming Carnival was a highlight of Term 1, with Hakea coming second. Congratulations to all who participated and contributed to this event. House Volleyball was another enjoyable event, students had much fun, burning off some serious energy, also raising money for our House Charity – Backpacks for Vic Kids – the Charity the SRC has again decided to support this year. This was enjoyed by staff and students across the House and was a nice way to get to know H7 students.
In Term 2, H7 will have the opportunity to attend the camp to Phillip Island, an adventure camp where students challenge themselves and make new friends from across Houses.
Students have been rehearsing for the Chorales, which has been postponed. The new date will be communicated as soon as is possible.
The Hakea House Leadership team wish our students, teachers and families a restful Term 1 break.
Mrs Bellgrove
Hakea House Leader