Fern House

Fern House News
Welcome to Fern House for 2020 to all students, staff and families. Term 1 has already been a busy one, as we have set a great tone for the year, welcoming many new staff along with our new Fern families. We had elected six wonderful Student Representatives, Sahil Z, Danny N, Taiba H, Shaina F, Ted D, and Arzoo H. Each are looking forward to making a real contribution to the school, and being a focal point for student voice with the Fern Learning Community. Along with these student leaders, we have our House Captains - Melika S and Ghairat M - who are excited to be leading the Fern community in school based events.
The House leadership team has changed for 2020 with Mr Hill joining the team, sharing the role of Student Engagement Coordinator with Mr Pinto.
As a Learning Community, our focus this year will be on making our learning visible within the classroom. We will be ensuring that student know the purpose of their learning, what they can do next, and what support they need.
All of these things will enable Fern House to continue to be a great place to learn.
One thing all families, parents and students can do is ensure that every possible opportunity to attend school, participate in activities, and enhance learning, is taken by the students. We are asking students to aim for a 90% attendance rate. 65% of Fern student achieved this for February, and we hope to see this grow throughout the year. Parents and families can support this by ensuring that whenever possible, appointments or other commitments be made after school hours, or during holidays.
We look forward to working with you throughout the year, and seeing you at all school events.
Mr Ferguson, Ms Curnow, Mr Pinto, Mr Hill, and Mrs Anderson
The Fern Leadership Team