Eucalyptus House

Eucalyptus House News
As I begin my fifth year as the Eucalyptus House Leader, I am extremely excited about how the year will unfold for students and staff in the House. It has been another busy start to the year with students settled and planning for the year ahead. We had the opportunity to meet with students and families at our first Parent Teacher Interview for the year. It was a successful day where students shared their goals and aspirations for their learning in 2020.
The House Leadership Team for this year is composed of Mr Greaves as Assistant House Leader, Ms Vrondou and Mr Fernando, the House Engagement Coordinators, Mrs Barton our House Administration Officer and myself as House Leader. We also welcomed 6 new staff members to the House: Ms Chatzis, Mr Fernando, Mr Pawsey, Mr Penhale, Mr Thompson and Mr Curtis. We hope they find their time in the House fulfilling and rewarding.
This term also saw the appointment of our student leaders. House Captains: Glenn R and Azalea S. Student Representative Council members: Alia S, Shasvini G, Sana F, Rishika S, Imogen H and Amir R. The Badges Assembly was a highlight of the term and our student leaders received their badges and represented the House with pride. We congratulate these students and wish them the very best in their leadership journey this year and beyond.
We saw a large number of our students represented in the Swimming Carnival and saw some outstanding performances. Student learning and achievement continues to dominate the work of teachers in the House and students are being encouraged to take more ownership of their learning. Mr Daffy and Ms Mackay have been working with a group of students across all year levels in getting them prepared for the Chorales competition.
As we near the end of Term, the Eucalyptus Community wish you all a safe and restful holiday.
Mrs Evelyne Katsoulis
Eucalyptus House Leader