Ex-Students' Association

Snippets and Snapshots through the Years
During the centenary celebrations, we took the opportunity was to launch our new school history publication, Snippets and Snapshots. This digest looks at the significant events in the 100-year life of our school since its founding in 1919.
The 64 page book covers a great deal of new ground, having been compiled from historic newspaper articles containing early Shire Council meeting excerpts from as early as 1907. It also includes many articles containing original Headmasters’ reports etc. and other original source material, as well as articles from Gate magazines in the care of the Ex-Students’ Association.
Other milestones along the way include the early temporary premises, the gradual staged building of the original School, major external events and their effect on the School, such as The Great Depression of the 1930s, the Polio Epidemic, World War II, the expansionary years of the 50s and 60s, and beyond, right up to the present day. It is interspersed with stories from many aspects of school life and includes several dozen sepia, black and white, and colour photos.
Look inside Snippets and Snapshots
How to purchase the book
In person
Snippets and Snapshots is priced at just $10 ($15 including postage) and can be picked up directly from the Ex-Students' Assocation Archive Room located on the first floor of the old main school building. The Archive Room is open only on Tuesday afternoon during School terms.
By mail
Option 1
Send a cheque for $15 with your return address details to:
Russ Weber
1-5 Observatory Rd
Mt Dandenong VIC 3767
Option 2
You can pay via direct deposit using the following details:
BSB 633 108 Account No. 133689158
(In the “Details” section please add the words BOOK and include your name)
With this option, you will also need to send an email with your address to:
russweber@bigpond.com (so we can send it to you)
Gary Matthews
DHS Ex-Students’ Association Secretary