LRC News

Reading Workshops in the Library
Year 9s are now part of the Reading Workshop program in the LRC, allowing us to work with English teachers to extend the students’ reading skills and to encourage good habits. For their first lesson, the Year 9s wrapped up a favourite book for other students to select as a ‘blind date’ as part of a Love Your Library Day activity. The library was full of students hunting the shelves for their favourite reads and creating clues to entice their fellow students to take a chance on something different.
We celebrated Love Your Library Day by asking students (and staff!) to tell us about a book they love in exchange for a treat. We received over 160 entries and soon ran out of our stash of badges, lollipops and chocolates!
Teen Library Advisors
Our Teen Library Advisor program is as popular as ever with 136 students from Years 7 to 11 signing up in just a few weeks. The TLAs are now participating in a trial period to see if they are interested in the role and are committed to helping out. Students are learning how to shelve books in the right spot, helping us create displays, and picking up customer service skills at the loans desk.
Why be a TLA?
What motivates students to sign up for the Teen Library Advisor program? Here are some examples from the applications we received this year.
- I like reading and showing others how important reading is and why we do it. I also really like the library, it’s a beautiful place to be and if I had the choice I would spend every second there.
- Each year the library has many different events and I love the idea of helping with displays and creating things for the library.
- I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to learn and enjoy learning, and I would like to spread that enthusiasm as a Teen Library Advisor to encourage students to read out of pure enjoyment.
- I like reading (also I spend half of my time reading). I like to spend time in the library, to help others and teachers, to do work like cleaning and tidying. My dream is to make my own library at home. The library is my second house.
We look forward to awarding our successful TLAs with their badges in Term 2.
Work Placement Student
Every Wednesday, we welcome our newest team member: Fangyan. Fangyan is undertaking a work placement in the LRC and is learning new skills such as book covering, working at the loans desk, and creating a display for World Poetry Day. She is also an origami master and is running origami classes each Wednesday lunchtime in the LRC. If you would like to learn the amazing art of paper folding, make sure you come to the LRC next Wednesday and learn from Fangyan.
More books for the holidays
Good news! We have expanded our book loans! Students can now borrow a total of 20 books from the LRC. We have also added new copies of popular books to our ebook library. Click here to visit our collection of ebooks and have a browse through the titles on offer. If you’ve never borrowed an ebook before, please ask for help in the LRC or send us an email via
Now is the perfect time to pick up a selection of books to keep you going over the term holidays! Here are some of the most popular books this term to give you some ideas.
Library Self-Serve
Did you know you can renew and reserve books from home?
Visit our OPAC and log in using your Compass details. You will now be able to reserve or renew books during the holidays or over the weekend. We regularly update our OPAC with information about recommended ebooks or writing competitions, so make sure you check in and see what’s on offer.