Faith and Mission 

Mr Tim Swan - Director Faith and Mission 

At the end of last term, Marious De Silva (Year 12) read a beautiful prayer at the end-of-term assembly that he composed himself - well done indeed Marious.


God our Father,


We have come to the end of another school term.


Though we stay apart due to the pandemic today, we unite as one in this moment to thank you for the many blessings we have received during this term.


We voice our gratitude for the good things you have done for us.


We thank you for keeping our school community in your love and care.


We praise you for giving your blessing and for finding ways during this cold time to continue our education.


Heavenly father, due to the pandemic many in our nation have lost loved ones. Please keep them in your arms and help them to find comfort and peace in you.


For those who are suffering, due to illness, please give them a fast recovery and good health.


Throughout this pandemic, many in our nation are tempted to fear, feel anxiety and may fall into depression. Some have lost their jobs, their livelihood and most of us have lost the normal flow of our daily lives.


Please help us to find comfort and solutions to our problems through your wisdom and compassion.


Dear God, please keep our entire school community and our nation in your protection and love. Help us to return in Term 4 without any interruptions or problems. 


Please help us find a cure for COVID-19, so that we are able to return to our normal lives, very soon.


We ask this through Christ our Lord,




Marious De Silva, Phoenix House Captain 2020
Marious De Silva, Phoenix House Captain 2020