Programs - Personal and Social Wellbeing

Mr Paul Wintle - Personal & Social Wellbeing Leader

A Word (or two ) for Wellbeing

“Strange times are these” may not only be a catchy chorus line for a collection of classic alternate rock songs, but a very apt description of the current state of all international affairs. What hasn’t changed throughout these “strange times” is our need to look after ourselves and one another. 

A key part of making sure we remain connected to each other and our school is done through the fine work of our Learning Mentors. They greet you on day one in year 7 and farewell you on your last day of year 12; and the time in between all of that??? Well here’s a peak to gain an insight into some of the recent remote happenings. 

Paul Wintle


From Mr Fernandez & PH7 

PH7 in Remote Learning – A unique group of students who all bring their own individual assets and characters to homeroom each and every day! Luke Obradovic (shooting hoops)


PH7 is great because everyone is pretty friendly to each other in the homeroom and we can all talk and have fun without anyone being left out Jeffrey Fili 


PH7 is the best homeroom because it fun and you can get along with each other easily  Hanna F (Fitness workout)

Way back when….we were on campus : Delphinus Homerooms playing “Finska” a traditional Icelandic game.

Homeroom Masterchef in AQ1