Learning In Focus - ICT   

Ms Maria Nasioulas 

Online Learning & eSafety 

With Remote Online Learning being the norm this year it was important to continue to set clear expectations of online behaviour. Learning Mentors worked students about the importance of using technology in a safe, respectful, positive and smart manner. Our messages to students included the need for them to:

✔ Be READY to learn

✔ Be RESPECTFUL at all times

✔ REQUEST for guidance if confused about what is being asked of them

✔ REQUEST for guidance if they see continued disrespectful online behaviours

Below are reflections of the impact of online learning and eSmart skills gained from some of our Year 7 students.


Dehara Madagama Gamage – 7DE3

“Online schooling has taught me how to learn independently and how our determination will effect our studies. Being eSmart means that we keep our private information safe and that we don’t leak or cause anyone distress using cyber bullying. We logout from our accounts and we change our password frequently, using the network safely.”


Katrina Angelopoulos – 7CO3

Online learning has been going on for a while now and we have all learnt how to manage and adapt to it. Online learning has taught me the importance of becoming more self-motivated, and responsible. Being eSmart prevents bullying and cyber bullying. Contributing to eSmart means you keep all important information private, changing passwords regularly and using the network responsibly and safely!”


Alana Ansell – 7AQ1

“Online learning has been tough for me, and I'm sure many others, but it has also taught me many things, such as has how to stay focused and concentrate. I've also learnt how to cooperate with my peers, and teachers. Being eSmart means to keep everything you do private, have many different passwords, and being smart when on the internet.”


Marnath Machar – 7CO5

“Online learning has been a whole different experience. I have learnt so many new skills throughout this period which will help me throughout the future. I have learnt how to manage my own time and be independent. I've also learnt how to cooperate and communicate with others during this time. Being eSmart is very important; keep all of your information private, use well trusted websites, change your password regularly and most important, be smart online.”


Yashmit Dogra – 7PH2

“Online learning has been a different experience. I have learnt many different skills throughout online learning. One of the main skills that I have learnt is how to work independently and how to learn various skills on your own. I have also learnt that devolving strong communication skills during this time will benefit us. Being eSmart means that we keep our self safe online. When being eSmart you are preventing cyber bullying, changing you passwords regularly and making sure that that you are making smart decisions online.”


Aidan Papaefstathiou – 7PH5

“Online learning has taught me that independence is a very important skill to have as is determination and the will power to not only get through a day but to do my best. Being eSmart means that we do not give out any personal information to strangers or give out our passwords to anyone even if we think we can trust them. Being eSmart also means having different passwords for everything as having one account breached can lead to another being breached and so on.”