As we head towards the end of Term 3, we have received information about the way in which VCE and VCAL will be concluded for our Year 12 students.
- Our Year 12 VCE students will attend in the first week of Term 4, but only on Wednesday 7 October for the GAT assessment, and VCE SACs at other times. This year, the GAT is critically important as this assessment will be used extensively in the statistical moderation process. In order to assist our students with their preparations for the year, we have made the following adjustments for VCE students:
- A holiday seminar program will be offered during the holidays – on Monday 28 September to Wednesday 30 September. These sessions will focus on a variety of subjects and study skills. This program will be published next week and sent to families and to students.
- The trial examinations have been placed into Term 4 and will run from Monday 26 October to Friday 30 October. These examinations will provide strong preparation for the VCAA examinations. Additionally, these exams are going to be central to the teachers recommending a result for each student. The VCAA requires teachers to provide indicative results, and as part of Special Consideration, an indication of expected academic performance if Covid 19 had not interrupted studies this year. It is crucial that students focus extensively over the break and into Term 4 on preparations for their examinations.
- We recommend to all students to make a SEAS application through VTAC to support their tertiary application process.
- We look forward to welcoming our VCE and VCAL students back to the College from Monday 12 October.
For VCAL Students:
- The VCAA has made announcements regarding steps that will be taken in Term 4 to ensure our students attain all outcomes for both VCAL and their required VET course. We will work closely with the TAFE providers in Term 4 to ensure that students complete their required tasks.
For Years 8-11:
- We continue to work on the development of the Timetable for 2021. Once classes are finalised, parents will receive an email communication outlining the subjects received for their 2021 learning program. This may be sent during the School Holidays.
I take this opportunity to wish everyone a well-deserved break for the term holidays.