Principal's Report 

End of Term

I thank staff and students collectively for the efforts they have put into remote learning this term. It has not been easy following on from Term 2 but I have observed many acts of kindness and generosity throughout this period of isolation where members of our community have continued to reach out and support one another.  It is a sign of God’s presence with us and amongst at the hour of our greatest need.  I wish all of our families a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to our students return for Term 4.

Roadmap to Term 4 

As advised by the Premier Daniel Andrews the following conditions have been put in place for learning at St John’s in term 4:


Term 4, Week 1: 5–9 October

  • All students Years 7 – 12 learn remotely except for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students
  • Senior Students onsite for General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 7 October and VCE SACs at other times.

Week 2: 12 October – Senior Students return to onsite learning

  • Year 11 and 12 students will attend on-site schooling full time, and Year 10 students enrolled in a VCE or VCAL program will attend onsite for these classes.
  • Remote and flexible learning will continue for all students in Year 7 to Year 10, other than for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students. A date for the return of these year levels to face-to-face learning will be subject to further health advice.

Parents are also advised that October the 5th, the first day of term 4 is a student free day to allow for the virtual parent teacher interviews to take place.

SIS Chess Session 

Despite the challenges of remote learning our students have managed to continue with the SIS Chess program via an online competition this week. After a few weeks of practice our students finished 3rd overall and I congratulate coach Nathan Yap and the following students:

  • Calvin Fonseka CO4
  • Lucas Mehegan MO2
  • Sparsh Kumar DE1
  • Sijal Khakurel CO2
  • Ashaan Sen DE6
  • Yashmit Dogra PH2
  • Adharsh Sriram Kannan PH6
  • Allister Jonathan Simon MO7
  • Hannah Fagan PH7
  • Adau Matiok CO2


We have never had a more important RUOK day as we all deal with the mental challenges of isolation from friends, family members and comforting routines. RUOK day continues to build an awareness of our own mental health and the important steps we must take to maintain it including the ability to raise our hands when we need help. 


The focus of RUOK Day is to check in with people we know and care about through asking the question “Are you OK.”  This can sometimes open up necessary follow-up conversations and a simple structure is outlined below which emphasises preparation, listening and connecting people with the right resources if they are struggling. 


I thank our Wellbeing Team  - Fiona Busuttil , Jo Webb , Milan Colic , staff member Angelique Philips-Kemp and all of our Learning Mentors for their great support of our students wellbeing not only during this week but throughout a very difficult year.

Year 12 Wellbeing Session

We are mindful of the stresses our Year 12 students face in a normal year let alone one where they have not had their normal access to people and routines in preparation for their end of year examinations. To assist and support their wellbeing our wellbeing team lead by Fiona Busuttil , Jo Webb and Milan Colic will run a session on Monday to provide an opportunity for our students to articulate the concerns and stresses that they are feeling at this present time and then some inputs around healthy practises that help us connect and maintain our wellbeing.

Senior Staff member Mr John Rhynehart

Senior Staff member Mr John Rhynehart, currently on Long Service Leave for 2020 has decided to step down from his role as the Director of Faith and Mission role for the 2021 school year.  John has been a wonderful faith leader at the College during some challenging times over the last few years.  A gift for celebrating liturgy, we were all privileged to be part of some beautiful community celebrations that captured our rich Lasallian and Presentation traditions.  We anticipate that Mr Rhynehart will take up a part time teaching role at St John’s in 2021 while he discerns the next steps in his career.  The Director of Faith and Mission role has been advertised and interviews for this important role will take place in the last week of term.

Talent Quest

I cannot think of a better way to finish the term than through celebration of the talent of our St John’s students.  As indicated in the last newsletter, our 2020 Talent Quest will take place on the last day of term through a range of student performances presented via our Microsoft Teams Platform. Alongside our talented students, the Talent Quest Team headed by Arts & Engagement Leader Ms Tania Robinson have put together a number of humorous and talented staff performances to send students into the holiday period with a smile on their face.

Virtual Excursions

On Wednesday and Thursday, of this week, all Year 9 Commerce students participated in a Remote Learning Excursion, Achieve Fest.  This two-day online immersion explored identity, how to build networks, and develop the skills needed to thrive now and in their future world of work.  It is organised by Prince’s Trust Australia, a national charity supporting assisting young people to prepare for the rapidly changing world of work and is integrated into the Year 9 Commerce unit on work and work futures. 

School Bell Initiative

Our Innovation Captain Aaron Boak used his skills as a VCE IT Student to develop a computer program to replicate the bell times for our students. The program which can be downloaded and follows the bell times of the school day has been a useful tool as students have navigated remote learning from their home study areas. I thank Aaron for his initiative and generosity in sharing this tool for all our students.