Physical Education 

The F/1s have shown amazing persistence throughout the term by practising tasks they already know, along with trying out new skills. Over the last two weeks we have asked students to reflect on their work and describe how they persist when things get tough. Students chose an activity they wanted to get better at and decided how they would do this. The activities included Floor is Lava, chest passes and soccer dribbling.  


Our 2/3 students were also working on their persistence. They chose from soccer juggling, dribbling or a ball handling trick. During the first week many students expressed that they found the skill very challenging, especially the ball handling figure eights and drop and catch. But through determination and persistence by the second week they were getting the hang of it.


Our 4/5/6 students persisted at their games from other cultures including poi, hacky sack and soccer juggling. One of our students, Gabrielle, chose her own activity and she certainly set herself an incredible goal to achieve. I was so nervous when she told me what is was! Gabrielle has been rollerskating and decided that she was going to hold an arabesque for 30 seconds, while going down a hill! That’s right folks: skating down a hill on one leg! She didn’t get it straight away but she showed persistence and ended up smashing her goal! Gabrielle you should be so proud of your achievements.


Goals were set, improvements were made and students reflected incredibly well on their efforts thus far. We know the support and encouragement from family always plays a big role in this. Thank you to all the parents and other family members for their continued support. We know it’s not easy. Keeping dreaming big Newlands!