Football Colours Day 

A day of celebration - Friday 18th September

Footy Colours Day is a fun and easy way to bring our school community together while teaching our students the importance of helping others. 

We will be encouraging everyone to wear their colours on the day. 

If you don't have a team you can wear your favourite colour on the day.


We will being doing activities via SeeSaw and Microsoft Teams on the day also. 

You will have an opportunity to send in photos of your family in their colours. These will be added to next weeks newsletter.



Fight Cancer Foundation's Footy Colours Day is a national community fundraising campaign. Their aim is to raise funds to help children with cancer keep up with school work.


Your Family can make a donation to support children with cancer at:

Why are we doing this?

When a child is diagnosed with cancer their world is turned upside down overnight. With treatment starting instantly, they face, on average, more than 6 months away from their school and school friends. 

Education programs supported by the Fight Cancer Foundation help these kids during a time when they need it most so they can return to their normal life without significant social and emotional impacts. 


By hosting a Footy Colours Day event we aim to help the foundation ensure these children can put their cancer behind them, reach their full potential at school and get back to doing what they do best - being a kid!