Learning Technologies

TechUp resumes!

Developing tech skills benefits every student regardless of their future aspirations. Being fluent in using the technology tools we have has immediate and far-reaching benefits. One of the aims of the College is to ensure every student is able to leverage these tools in an efficient and effective manner. One of the ways we do this is by holding regular TechUp sessions. Due to Covid-19 these have been on hold but recommenced recently for all Year 7 and 8 students during tutor group time every Friday. These sessions cover a wide range of topics and are designed to level-up all our students' technology use and provide practical ways they can implement ideas immediately.

Other sessions will be held for Year 9 - 12 students virtually recommencing in Term 4.

New Agency positions

The Agency is advertising for three new positions - two Tech Coaches and one Nexus Assistant. These student positions will commence at the start of Term 4. 

For more details and to apply students can visit https://myasc.ascollege.wa.edu.au/bbi/sitepages/TheAgency.aspx

Tech Help from the Agency

Our Tech Coaches have created a booking page so that any student or staff member can book a one-one session so they can support and help with things such as ideas for presenting, using Office365 tools, troubleshooting issues, organising files, printing, 3D software etc.

The link to book a time is bit.ly/asctechbooking