Melton Council Launches Intercultural Plan

Intercultural Plan

Last Wednesday, the 16th of August, the Melton City Council officially launched the Intercultural Plan 2017-2021.  Mayor of the City of Melton, Cr Sophie Ramsey, as joined by other local councilmen, and representatives from the Melton Interfaith Network, CALDAC, VICSEG New Futures, and various organisations and schools.

"Melton City Council has actively promoted and celebrated our community’s cultural diversity for many years and is continually striving to improve awareness and understanding of the economic, educational, social and cultural benefits of diversity and to mitigate the effects of discrimination and cultural isolation. This Intercultural Plan forms the basis of Melton City Council’s commitment and strategy to ensure that our community is best served to meet its diverse needs, and enable the meaningful participation of all its members."



Multicultural Education Aide