Year 7 & 8

Year 7 and 8 Casey Tech School Excursion
On Friday 5th April 100 year 7 and 8 students attended Casey Tech School for a digital technologies excursion. Students were immersed in the digital world in workshops focusing on robotics and coding, consumer science and designing an energy effort home. The workshops were very hands-on and allowed all students to fully experience all Casey Tech School had to offer.
Year 7 and 8 Girls Footy
Mr Smith and Mr D’Rosario took 25 year 7 and 8 girls out for Interschool Junior School Football. Although the girls didn’t progress to the next round they all had a great day while building teamwork and showing great sportsmanship.
Year 8 Camp is BACK!!
After a few years on hiatus year 8 camp is back! Waratah Bay Beach Camp offers a number of great opportunities including learning to surf! Deposits are due on Friday 10th May and places are limited so get in quick!
Parent Information Night
A huge thankyou to the 40+ Junior School students who helped showcase our college at parent information night on Tuesday 30th April. This night allowed prospective parents and students to tour our college and see what we have to offer. Because of our current students willing to volunteer their time we were able to run mock classes to allow those on the tours see what school at CSC looks like, sounds like and feels like.
Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals
It was great to see so many enthusiastic and energetic junior school students attend both of the recent sports carnivals. Many students came dressed in house colour to support their team. Well done to all of those students who participated in events!