Engagement & Wellbeing

Respectful Relationships 

In 1/2 Coatsworth this week, we have been identifying fair ways to work out who goes first in a game. 


We played a game of ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ and discussed that this game is often used to help people work out who goes first in a game, or who gets to choose a game. This can help friends to work this out without fighting or arguing with each other.


Students also discussed negative emotions they may feel when they lose or are excluded from a game as well as the strengths they need to help them cope with these emotions. 

Leni & Jevan
Leni & Jevan
Leni & Jevan
Leni & Jevan

SRC Update

Students at Spring Gully Primary School recently voted on what they wanted to see the Student Representative Council (SRC) work on for their 2022 Major Project. After collecting ideas from each class, SRC were able to narrow it down to three awesome ideas: increased outdoor seating, new sports equipment and more lunch activities and clubs. 


Using the same voting system as last year, each student in the school received a token to vote for their favourite project idea. SRC counted up the votes and it was very close with lunch clubs and activities winning by only four tokens! 


SRC then sought to find out what lunch activities and clubs SGPS students wanted to see introduced. There were many great ideas sent in by students, but the most popular two suggestions were SGPS cinema and gaming. To raise money for the gaming equipment, we will be having a Pyjama Dress Up Day on the 5th of August. If you would like to participate, please bring a gold coin donation.  We hope to have both of these new lunch activities and clubs starting later this term. Stay tuned for more information soon! 



School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

The SWPBS team and all staff and students are celebrating the awesome work everyone has done this year improving behaviours at our school. Toward the end of last year we had a school wide focus on "walking safely on paths and around buildings". We are really proud to say that our minors relating to moving around the school have dropped from nearly 100 to just 30!

This graph shows the locations where Minor Behaviours are recorded around the school. It is awesome to see how few Minors are being handed out in the playground and this is a great indication of just how good our students are being during Recess and Lunch. 

This semester, behaviour in our classrooms will be a focus across the school with regular discussions around how best we can show our School Values while we work.

As the majority of our Minor Behaviours this semester have been "disrupting the learning of others" and "failure to follow teacher instruction". These will be taught explicitly and backed up with sticker blitzes to encourage positive behaviours in the classroom.

Book Week

Book Week is fast approaching!  This year, Book Week will be celebrated from 20th - 26th of August with the theme "Dreaming with eyes open...." To acknowledge this, we will be holding a day of celebration on Friday 26th August.  As always, children are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character. Children will have the opportunity to join in some Book Week related activities in their classrooms and share their costume with their class, friends and family at our dress up parade at 9am.

House Day

On the Thursday of the last week of term, we held a House Day. Students joined together to participate in activities in their House groups. They earned points for their House by completing activities and being awesome team mates.

After a House rally in the afternoon, and an amazing House chant, Tingay was declared the winner and this years' recipient of the Spring Gully Primary School Big Brains Cup!