Student Leadership at St Mary’s in 2022 

  Mrs Paula Incretolli, Mrs Cathy Ferrari, Mr Anthony Speranza

Curriculum Leaders - Blake, Cherry, Enzo and Xavier

Over the last few Mondays, Year 6P  have been to the St Mary's College Science Lab to investigate Electrical Circuits as part of our FBI electricity module. We have learned that there are three types of electrical circuits - Series, Parallel and Series-Parallel.


We worked with Series Circuits, which are circuits that run off batteries with wires and connectors giving us the ability to change the boards to create different circuits. There were over 150 circuit board options. We started with the easier circuits which included a set-up with a light, and moved on to more difficult creations with fans, extra lights and some of us even made sound with our circuit boards!  


The science lab at St Mary's has so much to see (they even have a turtle named after their principal!), and we were supported there by Year 8 students who helped us create the more intricate boards.  We learnt about being safe in a lab, and are looking forward to our next session. 

















Sustainability Leaders - Annabelle, Ezrah, Oliver and Zach

World Oceans Day

Yesterday was World Oceans Day. As Sustainability Leaders, we shared a song for classes to discuss during prayer about reducing our plastic use as part of taking care of our world. In Year Five and Six, we took this further and created advertising campaigns that focused on highlighting what impact plastic pollution has on our oceans and its endangered species. All students created video and poster adverts and shared their work with the class. We loved seeing everyone’s ideas and creativity working together, but most of all we really enjoyed talking about things that we can do to reduce our plastic use at St Mary’s.



















STEAM Projects - Invent Create Present - Year 5 & 6