
Isaac Poggioli 

Responsible Award

For being such a responsible learner. Isaac showed great listening during group time, modelling to his peers the expected behaviour.He tried his best at all his tasks this week!

Junior K

Sofia Trajkovski

Responsible Award

Being an amazing focused listener this week. You have been using your listening ears, learning lips and thinking brain to help us reach our class goal. Keep it up!

Junior S

Christopher Nicu

Respectful Award

For working super hard this week to help our class achieve our goal of being ‘Focused Listeners’. Chris, I have noticed that you have been trying to make positive choices around the classroom such as raising your hand when you wish to contribute and moving positions on the floor to ensure that you can stay focused during whole class learning. Keep it up!!

Middle A

Ben Stott

Responsible Award

You showed responsibility in your writing this week by using all the sounds that we have learnt in your writing. You should be super proud of yourself and how you have taken responsibility for your own learning. Well done! 

Middle LT

Sophia Kanellakis

Resilient Award

 Using your strategies in maths to solve difficult problems. I was impressed with how you approached each question with a positive attitude and thought about what you know and how you can approach the problem.  Well done for taking on challenges and working hard! 

Senior A

Ella Pako

Responsible award

Always being the first to volunteer to help with extra jobs and responsibilities. Ella is a wonderful, kind and thoughtful member of our school community who goes above and beyond to look out for and support others.

Senior L

Mella Dounias

Responsible Award

For your fabulous enthusiasm when working with the preps. You showed your true leadership skills when putting your hand up for extra responsibilities. I love that you are now a part of the ‘prep friends’ team and helping Miss Bella to support the Preps! Well done, Mella. 



Middle A


For showing wonderful creativity and a great use of your imagination when attempting to follow the tutorials and guides on Scratch to code and create games, scenes, animations and music. Well done


Zahra Lania and Sakia Thomas

Determined Award  

For the hard work, determination, grit, perseverance and resilience you showed during our Cross Country season. You had strong competition to deal with, you also had tough and cold conditions to contend with and you took all of this in your stride and battled your way through it with great gusto. Well done, you should be very proud of yourself.


Audren Uren

Resilience Award

When creating our weather forecasts in Mandarin. Audrey persisted and never gave up when trying to learn how to use the green screen.  She then went on to teach everyone else how to use it. Thank you for being so helpful Audrey! Well done!





Amir Kuwal

Determined Learner

For trying your best in our learning tasks. We have been so impressed with the effort and determination you are putting into learning your letter sounds and Heart Words. We love that you are starting to blend the words in your reader and that you can segment words to hear the different sounds when doing a ‘Let’s Spell’. Keep up the amazing work!

Junior K 

Yasmin Ahmad

 Proactive learner

Actively participating in our learning about special places. You used the success criteria to create an amazing slideshow about places that are special to you. You spoke clearly and used the sentence starters when sharing about your special places.

Junior S

Joel Alexeyeff

Collaborative Learner

The outstanding way you have come into your role as a ‘techspert’ in our classroom. You are a computer wiz and it has been wonderful to see you willingly pass on your knowledge to your peers in Junior S! Well Done Joel! Keep it up!

Middle A  

Raiquen Alborida


Collaborative Award 

You have worked fantastically on your Inquiry project this week and worked so hard on producing a fantastic travel brochure. Well done on showing your best work and working together with your partner so well! 

Middle L/T James Elliott 


Creative Award

For your brilliant website you created about Indonesia. I was so impressed with the design and the videos you included, especially the national anthem, places to visit and animals. You are definitely a ‘techspert’. 

Senior L

Amelie Brunton


Never giving up on your Maths Cycle test this week. You put your head down and worked so hard to complete it. You should be so proud of your efforts and I can’t wait to see you continue to use this determination in all areas of your learning! Well done, Amelie!




Curious Award

For asking inquisitive questions and making great and insightful observations during our session on design last week. You showed great curiosity about why your design worked or didn’t work and you tried to find solutions if your design needed it.



Collaborative Award

For co-operating and working really well together during our basketball session run by the Darebin Basketball Association. You helped and assisted each other if you were required to and treated others and the visiting coaches respectfully.



Creative Award

For your amazing dragon boat designs. I was impressed with the different colours you used to decorate and thought it was wonderful how many friends you piled into each boat. You also worked hard to listen to follow the drummers beat during our dragon boat game. Well done preps!





Leila Vicariotto

Responsible Award

For the way you consistently follow class expectations and instructions. During group times you are a very focused listener and love contributing your ideas. You are always willing to help with extra jobs and responsibilities! Keep it up Leila!

Junior K 

Xavier Lania


Respectful Award

For working hard to keep our classroom clean and tidy. You have been a real leader in helping our class reach our goal of respecting our space. You have been noticing the little things and going out of your way to clean and tidy even if it isn’t your mess.

Junior S

Edie Nash Lyster

Responsible Award  

For working super hard this week to help our class achieve our goal of being ‘Respectful of our Space’. Edie, I have noticed that you have worked especially hard this week to keep our space clean, return everything to where it belongs and make sure that your belongings are accounted for. Well Done Edie! Keep it up!!

Middle L/T

Elektra Karamoutzas

Responsible Award

Fro being a responsible member of the Middles Community. You always make sure your class job is done, and you follow routines quickly and calmly. You are also a responsible learner, as you pay attention to the expectations of tasks and put effort into your work. 

Senior L

Liliana Angerosa

Responsible Award

For being a responsible member of the St Joey’s netball team. You were often heard cheering on our team, as well as the opposition. You continued to assist where needed and help your teammates coordinate game plays! Well done, Lili!



Junior S

Determined Award

Showing great determination and persistence when attempting to solve computer programming and coding related problems. You showed patience, resilience and perseverance when solutions to problems didn’t automatically work. They are great qualities to have not only with coding but in all sorts of situations, in and out of school


Junior S

Determined Award

For showing great determination and persistence when attempting to solve computer programming and coding related problems. You showed patience, resilience and perseverance when solutions to problems didn’t automatically work. They are great qualities to have not only with coding but in all sorts of situations, in and out of school


The St Joseph’s Football Team

Determined Award

For playing fairly, with great determination and resilience in quite tough and wet conditions against strong oppositions. Teams that had a lot more experience in playing football than you had. You didn’t complain and you tried your best at all times.