Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell

Cyber Safety Grade 5/6 Classes

We often receive concerns from parents about young people’s behaviour on-line. This week, we had a visit from the Police’s Youth Liaison Team who spoke to our Grade 5/6 students about staying safe online.  As a school, we integrate cyber safety into our wellbeing policies, establishing clear procedures to deal with incidents, and deliver curriculum around the smart, safe and responsible use of technology. More information can be found at www.esmart.org.au Also I would encourage parents to become familiar with the links on the school’s webpage. Flick has done a fantastic job at providing access to information easily for parents.


What Does eSmart Mean?

eSmart assists teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, online sexual predation and accessing or sending inappropriate images and content.

Need Help with Social Media?

 The office of eSafety has a great webpage with lots of information on cyber safety issues. The website has lots of practical information on the different social media apps that you and/or your children may be accessing. Visit the site below to find out more…



Community Pantry Mon & Tues-Hall Foyer



We have had a great response to families accessing our community pantry. On Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 2:30pm-3:30pm, parents and carers can come along and meet Jeanette, our chaplain to pick up some food items. We have a variety of breakfast staples including long life milk, cereals, soups, rice dishes and fruit. Food Bank generously supply our Breakfast Club program and they are supplying our community pantry. All families will need to do is bring their own bags.  If you know someone going through a rough patch please reach out and let the Wellbeing Team know.  There is no charge and we are thrilled that we can extend this support to our Woori community. 


There are many organisations across Yarra Ranges offering support and assistance. For people looking for food relief, CIRE at the Yarra Junction hub, have food parcels and they have free bread on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The Yarra Junction hub is open for food relief and they are a Centrelink Access Point. This service can be accessed by appointment where the school Welfare Team can refer families. If you are interested or know of any one you would like to recommend please contact me. During the school holidays, people can enquire directly at CIRE.  They are located next to the Yarra Junction Post Office and they are open Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm.


Breakfast Club-Mon & Tues 8:15am

It has been great seeing children eating toast and drinking milk packs on their way to class. Breakfast Club is now up and running every Monday and Tuesday. Food Bank deliveries have been coming more often. We have apples, oranges, pears and carrots in the canteen fridge and the classrooms are encouraged to fill up their bowls as needed.  We can cater for food allergies including lactose and gluten free items. Next term we are planning more opportunities to increase healthy food education (possibly an after school cooking class-Term 3). 

Uniting School Partnership

The Wellbeing Team are forming a partnership with Uniting and 3 local primary schools to potentially offer group activities to help build on strengths, relationships and school connectedness.  Next term, child and wellbeing practitioners will be coming out to meet with parents looking for advice and possible service support.  If you are interested, please see the flyer attached. We hope to bring more information soon.  Please let me know if you would like to learn more about these programs. 

Head Lice 

This term it’s been fantastic that we have had only small number of head lice in the school. We ask parents to work with us to keep our reports low and to continue to treat and monitor your children’s hair. Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notes can issued on COMPASS. Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated. 

Attendance & Absences

We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards IMPROVING THE ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY RATES of our students. We encourage all parents to call the office when your child is going to be away and to notify the school through COMPASS. This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day.


Over the time a child attends school, having 1 or 2 days absence does not seem like much but it does add up and can impact on missed learning opportunities.

State School Relief

We can help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase school uniform.  Please see the Wellbeing Team for assistance. 

Don’t forget about second Hand Uniform!

Thank you to the many families who continue to purchase second hand uniform. We currently have a lot of school jumpers and summer dresses in stock and Jeanette and I can help you out when our Community Pantry is open. Parents and carers can purchase items from $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. All monies raised are invested back into the school and the welfare programs which support our students.  Please keep those clothing donations coming!

Playgroup at Woori Yallock Community House

For parents interested in joining playgroup our local Woori Yallock Community House is running a program on Monday mornings from 10am-11:30am.  There is an eligibility criteria so parents need to register at-Yarra Ranges Supported Playgroups Ph: 1300 368 333


2022 Free Happy Families Membership

 Here is a quick tip video from Dr Justin Coulson around dealing with screen time.   If you found this tip useful and would like to see more of Justin's parenting tips and strategies, don't forget that our school is subscribed to Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families School Membership. 


The membership offers monthly live webinars and with Justin, quick tip videos, weekly inspirational emails and the video library which is the full back catalogue of all of Justin's parenting webinars from Little People, Big Feelings and Building Resilience to webinars on raising teenage girls and teenage boys and A Parent's Guide to Raising an ADHD Child, and many many more.  All of these resources are based on positive psychology methodologies to support children and get them to thrive. 

If you are yet to sign up, please do so here


Craft Club at Lunchtimes

German Room

1:40pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday Junior School 

1:40pm Tuesday & Thursday Middle/Senior School 

Chess Club 

German Room

Tuesday Lunch Time


On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, students can find us where we will be teaching

pom pom making, plaiting friendship bracelets, weaving cat’s eyes, pipe cleaner craft, finger and French knitting. Our older students come along on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we are working on dream catchers, French knitting and macramé.


Chess Club is also happening every Tuesday at lunch time. 


We are still looking for donations of wool and other haberdashery items including ribbon, embellishments, buttons and charms or anything that can add a bit of bling to our projects.  All extra pairs of hands are welcome, if you are interested in helping please let me know. 

Playtime-Including Others 

Including others in your games and activities makes everyone feel good. It mean that you are generous and willing to share your time with others and care about their feelings. If you include others in your games, they are more likely to include you when you are looking for someone to play with or talk to.


  • Don’t think that your game will be wrecked if you invite someone else to join your games sometimes. 
  • Remember that if you refuse to let people join your games you hurt their feelings.
  • Look around and see if anyone looks as though they would like to be a part of a game. They might show this by asking if they can play or just standing nearby themselves.
  • Smile and say something like, “Why don’t you play too?” in a friendly voice.
  • Find ways to make the game work to allow another person to play or take turns.
  • Don’t ignore people who would like to be included in your game or look lonely.

Health update 

For some people getting over their mild COVID-19 symptoms, they may experience lingering fatigue, breathlessness and generally not feeling 100%.  I encourage parents to check in with their children and talk through any health complaints or worries. 

School Holiday Art Program 

Bec Fillponi is an accredited Mental Health Social Worker is offering a school holiday Art Program where children from ages 6-12 can learn to express and regulate big feelings through Art. All bookings are made through website at : https://beaconis.com.au/shop/



Tuesday 28th June: Montrose Community Hall

9:30am - 12:30pm Session 1

1pm - 4pm Session 2


Wednesday 29th June: Coldstream Community Centre

9:30am - 12:30pm Session 1

1pm - 4pm Session 2

$15 per session


Book Sale: Therapeutic Story Books for Children

Bec is chopping nearly 20% off all of her story books. These therapeutic story books are created to support children understand and explore their resilience, identity, self-care and connection to others. You can check them out on Bec’s website. 



June 14th 2:15-3:15pm

At Yarra Junction Primary School.

Gold coin donation


Book Launch: Maddie the Meerkat and the Big Stormy Cloud

Monday June 27th at 11am

At Yarra Junction Library.

Meet the author and illustrator, hear the stories and learn tips on creating your own story books-Admission is free. 


School Holiday Activities

Are you looking for fun activities and workshops for the kids during the winter school holidays?


RSPCA Victoria are offering some face to face as well as virtual sessions for some holiday activities. Please check out-



Yarra Ranges Council and Cire Community Hubs at Yarra Junction and Chirnside Park are hosting a range of fun programs at affordable prices for families.  Please check out the flyers attached in our newsletter or go to-
