Recreation News

Community Service

Recently, a group of boarders made the most of the terrific weather by travelling to Lake Seppings to participate in the City of Albany’s tree planting activity. This conservation project called for volunteers to help revegetate an area around the lake, an important habitat for threatened long-necked turtles and ring-tailed possums.


The boarders were welcomed by the lead Conservation Officer and shown the result of previous revegetation efforts where the bush was well and truly established. It was great to see so many boarders give up their time for a cause such as this, and have a bit of fun along the way. 


We hope to find more opportunities for community service in the coming months as a way of giving back to our community.


The boarding recreation programme offers a range of social and active opportunities for all ages, where boys and girls can get outdoors and try new things. Most recently, we had a yoga instructor visit GSG.  The session was open to all boarders, but it was the Endeavour House girls who took up the opportunity to get involved and learn new skills. Participation in new activities such as this is encouraged. 

Fun in the Sun

The Anchorage House boys take any opportunity to get out in to the sun when we are lucky enough to have a warm day. Whether kicking the footy or chatting to Roger the lamb, it's nice to get outside when we can.

Movies or Brownies

With the recent cold wet weather, we have had quite a lot of movies on offer during recreation. Recently, a number of Michaelmas House boarders visited the cinema, with those staying behind having the choice to visit Endeavour or Anchorage Houses for the evening.  A number of the girls chose to visit Anchorage House where they enjoyed making brownies and pancakes with the boys.