oshc & sprout

wominjeka everyone

Meantime this is what’s happening in Italy’s environment after only few days of lockdown… Interesting times ahead!!


From the Program


Circus Club: has been cancelled as this week. We would like to thank Tara, Jo and all the helpers for the great work they have done for our children!

Science Club:

The children had a great time dismantling recycled computer keyboards as part of a discovery activity whilst demonstrating their problem solving and investigative thinking skills. We talked about what they thought was inside the keyboard and what made it work. They practiced their skills in using different sized screwdrivers to pry the keys out of the dismantled boards.


Board Games with Adam: Carcasonne

Carcasnne is an engaging tile-based board game that children and adults enjoy. The logic and strategy are challenging but there are also opportunities to cooperate and negotiate.

Sewing Club with Bev

Children learnt how to sew around a right angle corner without stopping and re-starting the stitching. Make sure the needle is in the fabric and rotate the fabric.

Important notes:




Please make sure you have submitted your Direct Debit forms!

We still have some families who haven’t returned their direct debit forms. Without a direct debit form you can’t pay us. Everyone likes to get paid! Even if you make only irregular casual bookings you must submit a form.




We still have parents/carers that have not re-enrolled their child(ren) into OSHC. Please see the instructions below, if you are unsure of anything please email us at: ohsc.brunswick.nw.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au


Enrolment and Booking:

All children need to have an updated enrolment, including current children, to do this you must re-submit your enrolment. We have still few families who are currently using the program without updating the enrolment. Please re-submit your child enrolment as per national legislation and regulation.


How to re submit your child’s enrolment

Go to the QK portal:


If you forgot your password, click on forgotten password.

Once you are logged into the portal you can review your enrolment. Please ensure all contact details are correct and update any changes in your child's circumstances (i.e. asthma, ASD diagnosis, immunisation status). Click Submit. We will receive a notification email that your enrolment has been submitted again.  




  1. OSHC is SUN SMART! This means that hats are compulsory until 5pm in Term 1. We also will hand out sunscreen in circle time if your child has not brought their own.

     2. Vests are also compulsory during After School Care, this is to keep everyone safe and visible