school life

junior B local excursion 

Last week Thursday we went on a walk around our neighbourhood. This excursion linked to our term 1 Inquiry into community and geography. We made observations in clipboards and took note of our sensory experience along the way. The following day we wrote recounts about our neighbourhood walk in Literacy. In Numeracy we completed mapping activities where we considered direction and placement of landmarks, highlighting objects and features of our neighbourhood that enabled others to establish our location. The ‘fun walk’ was also known as ‘fun work’. Thank you to our awesome volunteer helpers!

the senior school community project 

This term the senior school has been looking at communities. Every student has been researching their own diverse community, we are then presenting information on our communities to our class. People are presenting about intriguing, fascinating and diverse communities that have taught us about different people and places around the world and the way they work in their own unique communities. 


The community I have been researching is called Heartsprings Children’s Village, it was created by a volunteer run foundation called Orphfund, they reach out to vulnerable children around the world that need our help. Heartsprings is a community where children that have nothing, get welcomed into and are then given access to education, food, water, clothes, shelter and a new family. I made a powerpoint presentation, wrote an information report, and performed a song to the class, everyone gathered information and then found a creative way to present it. 


We have also been looking at our own community right here at Bnwps! We started by writing a persuasive text to Hannah persuading her to give us permission to put on a community picnic for the students of BNWPS. Then we split into groups and used our group working skills to start organising! Unfortunately due to covid-19 we had to cancel, although this is disappointing, we decided to cancel in order to protect and do what’s best for our community.


We have learned so much through this about other communities around the world and about our own community. We have learned about responsibility, respect, supporting others, teamwork and most importantly, what makes a true community.


Alice from AL 


What a crazy week it’s been! There have been lots of chance words used this week to describe our current situation. Unfortunately when things like this happen, we don’t get additional time to prepare for it, which has increased stress levels. On our maths blog we have a page (quite a long page) of different activities to do if you are self-isolating or if something happens and we need to close down the school. There is a range of activities from F-6 as well as what topics are being covered in each area. We have compiled some websites, apps, games, worksheets as well as open ended questions and other things to do.

Teachers are gathering resources to send home for other subjects but please be patient with us. We are experiencing a lot of emails at the moment!

Keep safe and be kind


Alice and Jessie