St Laurence's Home Schools of Remote Learning

                 Happy Birthday To You  -  APRIL 

Kayden C



William I


Harper Mc


Lincoln F


Julian A

Harrison R

Lara C

Sophie G

Indigo C

Olivia J

Olivia M



Images and extracts from St Laurence's Primary School of Remote Learning .


Harris Family:  We started the day off with PE, yoga, Simon says, move like an animal and mindfulness.  We then did some math, reading, spelling while jumping on the trampoline followed by a big walk to collect autumn leaves to create a picture. 

From Mrs Gatehouses house:  This week I have learned that you can use anything to teach French. My grand-daughter and I have been playing Monopoly  together during  break time. I realised pretty quickly that she had learned all of her factors, so to step things up a little we started using the numbers in French to buy things, acheter pr Ash-tay. We also count using the French numbers. I was very excited and thinking to myself I should get my students to make Monopoly Boards so that we can play Monopoly in class. Mrs Patterson then informed me that you can buy Monopoly boards, which have places from anywhere, including Dandenong. The Dandenong board had a Kebab Shop in it, which was a real Kebab shop until, sadly, it burned down.   I have been enjoying dressing up each day. 

Greetings from Waratah Bay.  Take care from Paul McGrory . 

Pictured below is Mr McGrory's working from home office.

Mrs Hutchinson working from home - My work environment – A student in my own class.

Head to the sports page for the weekly fitness challenge.

From the Piasente house of home learning and working from home office.


From home prep rooms of Alessandra, Elliott, Juhkobi and Hannah