Rollins PS  Concert 2019

General Concert Information - Parent Reminders

As the excitement builds for the school concert, there are just a few reminders and bits of information for students and families.


These are the final weeks to purchase tickets online and at a cheaper rate (Adults $16 and Children 16 - 4 $6). Children 3 and under that do not occupy a seat along with the Rollins students are FREE. Tickets purchased on the night will increase to Adults $20 and Children 16 - 4 $10. Online tickets will close at 4.00pm Thursday 5th September.

Please follow this link to purchase your tickets

Concert Date: Thursday 5th September

Doors open at 6:30pm, no earlier, so that the show can start promptly at 7pm.


There will be ushers on the night to help direct you to your seat once you have entered through the auditorium doors. Students will enter the same doors and we ask they please sit quietly in their classes at the front and wait to be directed by their teacher.


Parking at the venue is limited and located in many areas around the Baptist College grounds. Carpooling where possible is encouraged. We will have staff directing you to parking spaces to fit the maximum number of cars as possible into designated areas. We ask that you are patient with this process and do not park in spaces that have not been allocated by a staff member.


Attached to this form is a list of the current raffle prizes. If you have not yet handed your raffle tickets in please do so as soon as possible. Raffle tickets will also be available for last minute purchases in the foyer before the show starts.

At the conclusion of the student performances the raffle will be drawn. Prizes will be given out after the Staff Item.


The students will need to come ready in their costumes (unless other directions have been given by their teachers). If you have any questions concerning your child’s costume please see their class teacher as soon as possible.


We have organised for the concert to be filmed by Rising Star Productins  and DVDs will be available for purchase in the weeks to follow.


No food or drink is permitted in the auditorium, so ensure your children are feed before they arrive

Drink bottles of water can be sent with children.

Please ensure your child goes to the toilet before arrival, but anyone needing to go during the concert will be escorted by a staff member.

We anticipate the concert concluding at approximately 9pm. We ask that parents don’t take their child until after the final performance, which will be a short performance by the staff.

Thank-you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you at the concert.

Jenny Hassett                         Sharni Oliver

     Principal                          Concert Committee

Thank you to the following businesses for supporting our Concert Raffle: