
Our care and support for our Killester girls continues as we provide opportunities  for them to bond together and reconnect with each other back at school.


Lunchtime activities have begun with Year 9 Leaders and Year 12 students facilitating a variety of fun activities for students from Year 7 - 11 to become involved in outside of the classroom.


All of our elected Student Leaders gathered together on Wednesday February 24th for a Leaders Workshop. Much was achieved in a short time and all Committees are well under way planning their activities for Term 1 and beyond.


We have enjoyed the opportunity to connect with our families this week during our Year 7, 9, 11 & 12 Parent Information Evenings which were hosted Online. The remaining online Parent Information Evenings are for Year 8 on Monday March 1st and Year 10 on Tuesday March 2, both beginning at 7pm.  


If you were unable to attend any of the Online Parent Evenings, please visit the Parent Portal for access to the Information delivered at each year level.


Our Peer Support Training Day for Year 10 students (38) was conducted by Stride Education facilitators on Thursday February 25th. These students will begin the program with the Year 7 students during Term 2.  This is a great opportunity for both the Year 7 students and Year 10 Leaders to interact together with social and emotional benefits for both parties. 

Next week is a very exciting time for our Year 7 students as they head off to Year 7 Camp at Phillip Island from March 3 - 5. The activities will challenge the girls but more importantly the camp gives them the opportunity to form friendships with their peers and positive relationships with teachers which is so beneficial for their social and emotional development. 

Miss Emma Neville and Mr Peter Harte

Assistant Principals: Students 

Student Reflection 

Nandira Xavier, Year 11, St Bakhita


Considering this is our 4th week of the school term, it is safe to say that our first month of Year 11 has been quite challenging.  The transition into VCE was already agonising enough for some, and our state plunging into the five day lockdown did not make it any easier.  As the year advances, it is important to understand that while we all may be riding the same storm, we are not all in the same boat.  We will all experience time hereinafter differently, with a unique set of challenges and opportunities.


On our best days we strive to tackle all, on our hardest days we challenge ourselves to choose a few, or land somewhere in between.  I invite you to meet yourself where you are, no two days are the same.


How are you creating opportunities to notice and savour the good, while also honouring your own challenge, experiences, and emotional state? Perhaps, each day, ask yourself the following:

  1. Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
  2. What am I grateful for today? What will motivate me?
  3. What beauty am I creating, cultivating or inviting in today?
  4. When did I last push the boundaries of my comfort zone?
  5. How am I getting outside today? How am I moving my body?