Visual Arts

Visual Art

My (still) Life


Monday 22 February was an exciting day for the Year 10 Painting and Printmaking students as they had an all day incursion with artist John Lawry. John started the students on their My (still) Life oil painting, demonstrating and providing 1:1 advice on how to mix colours, paint fabric and which brushes to use.


Feedback from students:

  • The workshop was fun because of all the creativity which was used when painting our still life oil painting. Florence
  • It was interesting to mix the oil paint to create different colours. Virya
  • I liked the techniques, tips and tricks which John taught us to help us create our oil paintings.  Phoebe
  • The painting workshop with John was relaxing and stress relieving.  Natalie

Ms Fros Stabologlou

Visual Arts Teacher


VCE Life Drawing


Students studying VCE Art Units 1 and 3, attended their first of four life drawing classes after school this week. In class students were introduced to drawing the human form by looking at how the hips and shoulders are positioned. This week, students drew a female model, using charcoal and oil pastel on various types of papers. Drawing times ranged from one minute to 20 minute poses. Students have excelled when drawing the model in proportion, in standing and seated poses. 


Some feedback by the students:

  • Life drawing was fun because it was a new experience. Linh
  • I was concentrating on capturing the model’s pose so much, that the time went by very quickly. Jaelynn
  • The class was interesting because it was something I had never done before. Holly

Fros Stabologlou and Kerrilee Pearson 

VCE Art teachers